Clicking Noise in the Rear Wheel

Hummm, VERY interested in the out-come. Mine's a 2013 too. So far so good, but I do notice a change in sound and feeling in the front wheel, when in a turn. I keep checking the rotors for heat after a ride, figure if a bearing is going out, the rotors will start to drag some. As was said, "fingers crossed"

AS the tires get more wear they cup and when u corner it makes a grow sound. mite be the problem or might not be the problem:)
Ok boys heres what I found...left side bearing race was spun in the wheel hub



Replaced with new bearings, torqued to spec and we will watch it for a while. The bearing went back in awful easy so I'm worried that it will spin the race again and we will be looking for a new wheel. Fingers crossed
Ok boys heres what I found...left side bearing race was spun in the wheel hub



Replaced with new bearings, torqued to spec and we will watch it for a while. The bearing went back in awful easy so I'm worried that it will spin the race again and we will be looking for a new wheel. Fingers crossed
Should have added a little loctite green or medium strenght blue to help hold her. I am not sure if they make the green anymore. We used it on electric motor bearings when we rebushed the end bells. Machinist trick so they would not get to tight when the bearing warmed up. I bet the medium blue thread locker would work fine.
Update: when we backed the torque off the axle nut and spun the tire the clicking disappeared

ALL your symptoms are EXACTLY like mine were especially the lower torque range thingy!
You NEED new rear wheel bearings, Morris - trust me!

Glad you got it fixed, Morris.
Fortunately for me I got to mine earlier and avoided that hub gall.
Hope the new balls last for you. I installed my third set at 40K (5K more so far) and watch them suckers like a hawk.
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Loctight used to make something called cylindrical locking compound for issues such as this. It was green. Worked really well on a wonked out primary cover on my old Electraglide.
along with the loctite u can take a center punch and a small hammer and make little punch marks around the wheel where the bea fits. kind of like knurling. but u would have o watch not to get any shavings between the bea and the seat where it stops.
Thanks, Scott!
Wondering how much more difficult it makes bearing removal???
If not so bad, I may use it for PM purposes if there is a next time.
I never had a problem. The reason we used it was so we could bore the housing to the maximum bearing bore size. That way when the bearing warmed up and expanded it would not have as much pressure between the races and rollers. We found longer bearing life. Very important at sea and with large motors that you had to rely on. We used to do it for all the electric motor shops in the area.