Carpenter Questions

Tune ECU lets you change redline, too.

Only up to 7000, load it up and try, it caps out at the highest value in the tables. The only way to get higher is to have a custom map built from Allain, where the tables actually are adjusted to the new raised redline.

I’ll post a screeny of what I mean tomorrow, off to bed now.
I gotcha, I did not know or forgot that, I did raise mine to 7000 with the Jardines.
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See attached for what I meant about needing to adjust the tables.

Regarding the other engine builders out there, they're not just internet claims. Please remember this platform has existed since 2003, so there is a TON of knowledge and history out there for it. Nev's work has been proven, all over the world, to be top notch. Bob Carpenters is most frequently referenced/discussed because its by far the most publicized work for the R3 and he makes **** fast bikes!

For the record, the 210 (and all the Carp kits) don't NEED to spin to 9000, they peak quite a bit below that, usually mid 7000 to 8000, depending on the particular build. The overrun RPM gives you options when shifting etc.
Map 8K.jpg
yes , now when Carpenter dynos the bikes I quite believe they will remove the air filters to give a few more ponies and probably a better grade fuel than us mere mortals use.

I was told that 225 is usually obtained with this kit on the dyno by using no air filter and VP12 fuel.
Could I then expect 0ver 200 with Ram air, headers and pump gas?
You're basing your recommendation of these guys (Penner in particular) based on what some guy on the internet said.
I certainly do not make any recommendation on anything based solely on the internet - you'd know this if you read more of my work. This forum whilst (I admit) a place I enjoy being is a long way from being the centre of my life.

If the EU was a simpler place to live and modify engines without risk of homologation issues - I would be able to impart more. Because I would have already ported the heads, improved the cams and raised compression myself. I am doing such work often - but on old classic track bikes.
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Thanks again for so much great input. Another question: I currently have the D&D slip ons with the K&D filters if I retain these instead of doing the Carpenter exhaust how much HP do you think I would be leaving on the table? I am wanting to keep the bike as close to stock as possible to retain the stealth factor plus for some reason I kinda like the looks of the stock exhaust manifold.