Carpenter Questions

Thanks again for so much great input. Another question: I currently have the D&D slip ons with the K&D filters if I retain these instead of doing the Carpenter exhaust how much HP do you think I would be leaving on the table? I am wanting to keep the bike as close to stock as possible to retain the stealth factor plus for some reason I kinda like the looks of the stock exhaust manifold.
Yes I'm wating for this answer. I like the look of the stock manifold also and do not care for the blued or bronze look of the Carpenter exhaust headers. Is Bob's pipe that much better?
20 or 30 hp more with good headers.
Maybe more hp will be lost with a Carpenter rework and stock exhaust.
The stock header is a seriously restrictive piece.
TTS in the U.K. make a stock looking, bigger diameter Header if that's what you would like.
I did look at doing this, but couldn't do it and retain the stock heat shields.
TTS have done it, I expect it would be expensive as it looks to be very labour intensive to build.

I was told that 225 is usually obtained with this kit on the dyno by using no air filter and VP12 fuel.
Could I then expect 0ver 200 with Ram air, headers and pump gas?
Should be able to break the 200 mark, I have the 210 kit with the carpenter sidewinder and three 2740????? the smaller K&Ns and my last dyno was 206HP
Should be able to break the 200 mark, I have the 210 kit with the carpenter sidewinder and three 2740????? the smaller K&Ns and my last dyno was 206HP

Well hopefully I shall get it done one day soon ( @warp9.9 you listening?) and find out if my CES and tune guru can get it over that 200 mark.
Would like not to be required to get a Carp header with even less leg clearance.
What I learned with my rocket modifying journey.

The power is all in the headers!!

I did a 192whp dyno on pump gas with CES and 265 cam and head... seems low right?!

192 * 1.06 = 203 on VP12, then add the missing power from using CES instead of Carpenter pipes 203+20 = 223.

Current build did 232 with pump gas and CES, and 251 on pump with carpenter headers. 251 * 1.06 = 266.06 on VP12, right where it should be.

So you start to see the difference. A stock header on a 210 kit bike would be lucky to break 165whp regardless of what muffler or crossover are on it in my opinion. So it’s a terrible investment, since you can hit 160 with just an exhaust change and tune. Remember the stock bike only makes mid 120s.

It’s not so much about the pipe diameter as it is pulse tuning and diameter together.
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What I learned with my rocket modifying journey.

The power is all in the headers!!

I did a 192whp dyno on pump gas with CES and 265 cam and head... seems low right?!

192 * 1.06 = 203 on VP12, then add the missing power from using CES instead of Carpenter pipes 203+20 = 223.

Current build did 232 with pump gas and CES, and 251 on pump with carpenter headers. 251 * 1.06 = 266.06 on VP12, right where it should be.

So you start to see the difference. A stock header on a 210 kit bike would be lucky to break 165whp regardless of what muffler or crossover are on it in my opinion. So it’s a terrible investment, since you can hit 160 with just an exhaust change and tune. Remember the stock bike only makes mid 120s.

It’s not so much about the pipe diameter as it is pulse tuning and diameter together.

Where did you get the 1.06 constant from?
Was your was your 192 horsepower just from head work?
1.06 is the 6% increase in power when using MR12 VP race gas, it’s oxygenated and fairly well documented to add 6% :)

192 was with the big cam and head work.