Carpenter Questions

Help!!!! Well I got the new headers and the reprogramed ECU from Carpenters delivered today and installed them. Now the bike wont even try to start. The kill switch is on, the battery had about a 25% charge (I am charging as I type), I checked the fuses, kick stand up. One thing i noticed is that I can't get the neutral switch to light up even though the bike is in neutral and the guage that tells you how far you can go until empty is flatlined. Any ideas?
The fuel gauge should function once you start riding.Hopefully charging the battery will get you going remember to pull the clutch in when trying to start the bike.
The fuel gauge should function once you start riding.Hopefully charging the battery will get you going remember to pull the clutch in when trying to start the bike.
Full charge on battery now, no change. And yep to the clutch engagement. I do appreciate the input, for sure. It very well could be something stupidly obvious I am doing, or not doing, but I dont know what it might be.
If your gear change is definitely in Neutral and the green light does not indicate so, could that mean your start in neutral is affected?

Try starting in 1st gear with clutch pulled and sidestand up - just like you would if you stalled it.
The answer is RPM.

The stock torque peak is low, 2800ish, then holds out for 1000 or so and falls off a cliff because the stock exhaust can’t flow enough at higher RPM.

All these after market header setups are taking advantage of two things, flow and pulse tuning.

Flow - they all use bigger than stock diameter pipe so they can flow more, holding that ~1000 RPM torque plateau out a bit longer, maybe 1500.

Pulse Tuning - By using proper length primary tubes they’re engineering in a exhaust pulse resonance at 4000-6500 RPM depending on which system it is. I’ve done the most math on CES, and they’re pulse tune event occurs right around 5800 RPM. As a result you’ll see a kind of double peak on the dyno sheets, the first peak is a result of cam timing, the second is a result of pulse tuned exhaust. The result is a wide extension of the existing torque to higher rpm.

Since HP=torque * RPM / 5252 keeping the same torque bit extending it up the RPM range results in a big increase in HP.

Taken the extreme you’ll see the Carpenter kit has a torque plateau that spans over 3000 RPM. That’s the result of complementary CAM timing and exhaust tuning, what you can’t see is that it still make very good torque down low, the result of the sheer displacement of the R3 motor.
I had to click the like button because I did not see one that said, love the **** out of it.:roll:
If your gear change is definitely in Neutral and the green light does not indicate so, could that mean your start in neutral is affected?

Try starting in 1st gear with clutch pulled and sidestand up - just like you would if you stalled it.
A good suggestion, but no luck...