Someone on this site or the other posted the full dyno chart with stock, and with the Carpenter kit, it (Carpenter's) showed higher torque all the way from the bottom. Wish I could remember the thread. If I remember right, hart is running a 210 package with stock, or maybe TORs, so it's comparing apples and oranges.
sounds like a crap exhaust alright as i left the stock exhaust on temporarily to see exactly what difference it makes for myself. 175hp it maxed at and the torque is same as harts, 125 at 4k.
but i dont know about this revving to 2k just to roll off bidness. yes i will say my torque curve moved from max @3k to max @5k but stayed the same in max value, 145.
but my driveability is still good, better than your average little harley or sports.
what i notice is the torque around idle is well down. stock i could move off under clutch alone in 2nd, like a petrol car does in 1st.
in 1st i would move off under clutch alone same way a diesel car would move off in 1st under clutch alone.
idling at 7-800 in 1st it would pull me up the hill into my gaf. idling in 2nd it would pull me up too but faster.
now it will only move off weakly in 1st under clutch alone/idle rpms.
however having communicated with a few dudes who have proper exhausts i can see they have heaps of torque down low, and the dyno charts illustrate this. scavenging and all that stuff
so im like a kid coming up to xmas now waiting for exhaust fitting time, so i can unleash another 50hp/35ft and get the real low down grunt back too.