Oh and a piece of advice, If your going to start running her fast pull the fog lights off as the bracket do not hold up at Warp Speed. I went thru three sets figuring that out. They develop crack real easy.
Merry Christmas my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Something has been puzzling me. I realize a supercharger is going to massively impact torque, but a few other posters around the forum have referenced the Carpenter packages as if they LOWER your low rev torque in favor of higher rev HP. Based on the dyno they have posted on their site it looks like low rev torque is actually quite a bit higher than a stock bike... am I reading this wrong?
YES YOULL HAVE ALL THE lowend power you want YES more than a stock bike and they have more than enough I have a 240+ PACKAGE IN MY 2012 ROADSTER its very smooth tractable and gets 40+ mpg on the highway on 87 octane and KICKS ASS when you open the throttle youll love it