I don't have any expectations of being able to outride a sport bike through a bunch of twists and turns. I did ride the monster on about 3-4 hours worth serious non stop twists and turns this last summer through West Virgina with 5 other guys. I had just replaced my rear tire with the Excedra Max before the trip and was still running the Metzler up front. I was in the lead and kept throwing the bike over in what seemed a pretty effortless manner for my rather conservative riding skills. I could have went faster, but what would be the point as we were out to enjoy the ride. I had to keep everyone behind me in mind, as it would be no fun if someone had a crash and burn situation. As it was, some fell a little back as we rode. Behind me was a Harley, an Indian, a Victory, a Kawasaki and a Yamaha (all cruisers). One of the better skilled riders on the Harley was following me and he told me later...he was amazed at how fast, easy and nimble my R3T looked rolling side to side taking all those turns. He was quite inpressed at my bikes show of handling and performance. We all agreed after the ride we didn't care if we never saw another twist or turn for the rest of the trip.
I have no complaints about the handling, considering I was throwing around by my best estimate close to 1,150 pounds loaded. The beast still rocks and on the straight away and I can leave any of my crew in the dust for sure. It is what it is...and I like it!