Blown away by a sportbike in the twisties...

I started an 11 mile stretch of road affectionately known as the dragon with my nephew ahead of me. I tried as best I could with my limited skills to keep up. After about 3 miles there wasn't even a glimpse. When I finally arrived at the parking lot, he had removed his helmet, jacket and was working on his gloves. Physics is a *****.
weight of me+weight of bike+lean angle=slow in turns
But as stated earlier, 0-100, I WIN....

That there is no average rider!
IFT and I routinely bury very high performance oriented, full-liter sportbikes ridden by experienced riders in our local twisties. It's all about your riding skills, the setup of your R3 (for enhanced handling/performance) and knowing that, on average, we win out in the short to moderate distance straights, they'll win out in the curves, so if you know how and when to apply your powerband, as many times as not (more in our case) the R3 will leave the squids all flustered and frustrated.
YES we ride with a group of sportbikers that are experienced riders drag racers and road racers and yes we lead them on the fast twisty roads we ride on our big Rockets do handle well on these roads and we do enjoy frustrating them with the big cruisers
So, I know this is a cruiser, but it's also much, much more, so I guess my expectations are very high for its handling. Well today, while on my usual ride through the canyons, a sportbike appeared in my rear view mirror, seemingly out of nowhere. So, I signaled for him to go by me, but then figured I'd try to keep up with him for a bit. Well he blew me away! I could reel him in on the straightaways, but then there was a series of several turns in a row, and then he was gone. Cornering on his bike just seemed so effortless! Meanwhile, I'm manhandling the beast around the corners at a pretty good clip, but just nowhere as fast and easy as his bike. I must say, I was kinda bugged that he was able to leave me behind so easily. I'm sure part of it was that he was a better rider, but man I wish I could throw the rocket around like that. Maybe I need another bike for canyon carving! I definitely need to work on my riding skills.

Nothing unusual a good rider on a sport bike is always going to leave you in the twisties thats what they are built for
The Rocket can be a dangerous bike, because it lures one into doing silly things. It has so much potential, it seems like a sin not to use that. I found myself racing ****** rockets on the countryside, as well. But fact is, this is a cruiser - if we try to hunt them down, we are at a much bigger risk, and we need higher skill levels then them.
We will win any drag race at the traffic lights, with just a pipe and tune. Why not just leave it like that, and rumble along comfortably in the twisties?
Not one "expert" suggesting a car tyre. Wonders never cease.
You are a funny guy. Of course no one would suggest a car tire. That would be ridiculous.


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