Best place to ride in the U.S.?

Obviously, my brother, you have not ridden the Pacific NW.
I also like the Ozarks a lot, but for the twisties more than the scenery.
But you're talking about one tiny corner that has some greenery. I've been on the Pacific coast highway in CA. Yes it's beautiful, but it's just near the coast. Most of the state is desert. You bring up Death Valley, and Vegas like it's something nice. I just went to Vegas a couple of months ago. It's all dead inhospitable desert all the way back to TX. The east side of the country is all green. From Arkansas to the north Georgia mountains, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia, to the north east into the Pocono Mountains, all lush green and beautiful to look at. You can't pass off rocks, cactus, and tumbleweeds as scenery. I'd prefer to stay in the flatlands of the Gulf Coast and ride through the swamps.
I prefer the Ozarks. The eastern side of the country is much greener and has much better scenery IMHO.

Funny, I've had people from out west tell me that, that they can't believe how green everything is, how many trees, but to me, that's same old thing, normal, so to speak, so the west is so completely different that it's unique, that's scenery.
I live right near Niagara Falls, I was telling a guest I haven't been there in over 30 years, they couldn't believe it. I used to work right on the brink, Goat Island, for a place that gave helicopter rides, in my youth, it's just an ordinary place to me, lol.
. But it really depends on the time of year you’re coming because you do not want to drive through that area in the winter on a two wheel motorcycle.
Or summer, sometimes. When I was up there Beartooth Pass was closed for a couple days due to a blizzard. In the beginning of July!
Rode them both a couple of years ago. Didn't make it to the top of Mounts Evans due to a sudden storm. I knew I was pushing it as it was scheduled to close in a few days. Visiting family in Denver and drove it on Saturday, decided to wait untill Tuesday when there would be less bicycles. Checked and was open to top, but when I got to the gates ranger was closing them. Even mid-week there were lots of cars and biycles.
Riding around Lake Tahoe and the Truckee area is a breath taking
But you're talking about one tiny corner that has some greenery. I've been on the Pacific coast highway in CA. Yes it's beautiful, but it's just near the coast. Most of the state is desert. You bring up Death Valley, and Vegas like it's something nice. I just went to Vegas a couple of months ago. It's all dead inhospitable desert all the way back to TX. The east side of the country is all green. From Arkansas to the north Georgia mountains, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia, to the north east into the Pocono Mountains, all lush green and beautiful to look at. You can't pass off rocks, cactus, and tumbleweeds as scenery. I'd prefer to stay in the flatlands of the Gulf Coast and ride through the swamps.
I agree. The Cal coast is beautiful but it doesn't change too much from Fort Bragg to Santa Monica other than cliffs and rocks up north.The traffic always sucks no matter what time of day you go. My favorite ride is around Lake Tahoe. Iv'e done it at least 50 to 60 times and it is pretty cool I must say. Yosemite is great also. I was in the Ozarks 3 years ago and always thought what a great ride on Motorcycles it would be. I actually went 10 miles without seeing another car. I would like to ride the Ozarks someday due to the winded roads, scenery and no traffic. If there was no traffic on the coast of Cali then it would be so much better.
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Where in the US to ride? Oh wow, what an open ended question. Endless possibilities.

The summer in the Northeast is beautiful and offers a lot of opportunities to visit spots that includes "Americana", unique quirky spots. In fact, you can find "Americana" spots all across the country but there are quite a few in the Northeast.

The Smokey Mountain area of western North Carolina, East Tennessee, Southwest Virginia is really dedicated to motorcycle tourism. Lots of motorcycle friendly hotels and businesses to go along with unlimited scenic byways featuring tight twisties, ridgeline sweepers, waterfalls, etc. Anywhere in West Virginia is also spectacular.

Moving west the entire Rocky Mountain range is ride worthly. IMHO, you don't get the tight twisties that you find in the east but you can really enjoy a lot of riding. Just keep in mind everything is much more spread out. The northern Rockies including the Sturgis area has a number of national parks including Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore. Just be prepared that the west along the Rockies will resemble your Outback being brown and dry.

The West Coast from mid-California north to anywhere in Washington is truly spectacular. You have tall mountains (Volcanoes actually), lush forests, a miles and miles of coastal highways. Everything is much, much more expensive out there so keep that budget in mind.

For the best bang for the buck (sorry if that is a US phrase for getting your money's worth), I would recommend the Smokey Mountain area. Start your search in the Maggie Valley, North Carolina area and work north along the Appalachian Mountain chain reaching up into the Northeast states of Vermont and New Hampshire.