Best place to ride in the U.S.?

Well yes the east is green and the west is rock. But you can only ride a motorcycle on a paved road to 14.110 feet above sea level in Colorado.




FYI: Alberta Duke, Patrick with his John Deere green Rocket on the left. Me, Bill on the right with the Idaho Red Rocket.


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I know there are more experienced riders on here that can offer advice, but I will let you know my thoughts. There is great riding close to Sturgis with Black Hills, Spearfish Canyon and Badlands national park. I think Utah is awesome, but might be really hot in August. I love riding thru forests and hills/mountains with rivers and streams, so I would do the Rocky Mountains. Google Maps says beartooth pass is only 6 hours from Sturgis, never been, but heard its awesome. Yellowstone national park, grand Tetons national park, Rocky Mountain national park are all awesome. I'm sure other rocket captains know the best roads and how to avoid the large crowds, I really don't think there is a wrong way to go, it kind of depends on what you want to see and what kind of riding you like doing.
Sturgis and the Black Hills you can't do better than that. I usually spend one day in Sturgis and two weeks in the Black Hills ,Montana, and the surrounding area. Rode across country 4 times twice i shipped my bike to Utah and Colorado which are good starting points for your journey. Glacier National Park is a must see.

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There is SOOOO much and so many great areas to see.
I doubt you can do it justice with less than 2 months.
How long will you be here riding?

Hoping to have 2 or 3 weeks. Totally understand its no where near enough to see what your great country has too offer....but alas it will have to do until retirement!......might have to do it over multiple trips :)
Sturgis and the Black Hills you can't do better than that. I usually spend one day in Sturgis and two weeks in the Black Hills ,Montana, and the surrounding area. Rode across country 4 times twice i shipped my bike to Utah and Colorado which are good starting points for your journey. Glacier National Park is a must see.
Great pics and advice @TRIIICK .......