Yeah, the battery is new. This problem started a month after I got the bike with the stock battery. Because I didn't want to mess with the battery tray mod at the time, I went with the Odyssey PC545 after reading of someone else here on the forum having good luck with it. When that didn't work, I upgraded to the PC625, since that seemed to be the standard recommendation here. When the problem still persisted, I got the Odyssey Ultimizer charger and gave that a try. In the long run, if I can get whatever the root problem is fixed, I'm sure I will be happy to have the 625 and Ultimizer, so it isn't exactly a waste, just not real useful at the moment.
The problem has occurred with three different batteries. That being said, I guess it's possible that I've fried something with all the jump starts I've had to perform, though since the charger says the battery is good and charged I don't think that is the problem (at least with the battery). I still have the 545 I could throw back in just to see what happens, but I really think something else is wrong.
My biggest problem is that when I took it to the dealer the first time, they kept it a month and didn't do anything but try to start it every so often, which apparently it did for them. They didn't actually check anything. A month seemed like an excessive amount of time to do nothing, so I've been really reluctant to take it back to them. I have a feeling since it is kept inside the shop that the bike isn't getting exposed to the same environmental factors that it does when setting outside at my place. I did take it to another shop and paid money out of pocket for them to check the electrical system out. The only problem they found was that the battery voltage with the engine running was 13.7v, which is a bit below the spec in the manual of 14.5 +/- .5v. However, everything else seemed to have checked out. Of course, this is the first Rocket they had ever worked on, so who knows if they did things correctly.
Hopefully when I explain to the dealer everything I've done so far they will actually dig into it this time around.
Thanks for the advice, and sorry for the *****ing. I'm really wanting to love this bike, just had really high hopes for the fall riding season after getting back on my feet and I'm frustrated they all fell apart on me. I spent the summer in a wheel chair from the wreck in June, and really felt the need to get back in the saddle as soon as possible.