Battery Keeps Dying

You do have an Odyssey battery don't you?
The Odyssey charger is just for the Odyssey batteries, Once you top off the Odyssey battery with the proper charger, the battery will take a proper charge and crank the bike faster as well.
push starting?

With other bikes I have had, when the battery is dead I would be able to push start it to get it running and get it home.
With the ignition on and popping the clutch in 2nd gear.
Can you do the same thing with the R3T?
..nethound, I'm afraid you're terribly right about all of this..who wants to tour on a bike that might not start in colder temps? is apparently a design flaw that has been overlooked or ignored by Triumph..I like this bike a lot too, but this unacceptable flaw will keep me from buying another Triumph product..
With other bikes I have had, when the battery is dead I would be able to push start it to get it running and get it home.
With the ignition on and popping the clutch in 2nd gear.
Can you do the same thing with the R3T?
Sure you can, just like anything else with a clutch. The only difference between push starting an R3 versus any other bike is the R3 weighs 800 lbs. I bet it would be alot like push starting a Toyota that can tip over. lol
..nethound, I'm afraid you're terribly right about all of this..who wants to tour on a bike that might not start in colder temps? is apparently a design flaw that has been overlooked or ignored by Triumph..I like this bike a lot too, but this unacceptable flaw will keep me from buying another Triumph product..
Bud did you ever get the charger to go with your Odyssey battery?
..yes, just got it the other day..put it on and charged it this wouldn't start at first without I put the new charger on and after about 20 minutes, the bike started up..going riding today..yippee..when I come home this evening, I'm gonna put the new charger on and let charge overnight..then see what happens early in the morning..stay tuned..
I've been using the standard Battery Tender Plus on the Rocket for 6 years - every night!. I replaced the first Yuasa out after 2 years and the second after 4 years. All Yuasas. Keeping the battery on a conditioner is a good idea. The Tender comes with a lead you put on the battery and hide under the side cover.
I've been using the standard Battery Tender Plus on the Rocket for 6 years - every night!. I replaced the first Yuasa out after 2 years and the second after 4 years. All Yuasas. Keeping the battery on a conditioner is a good idea. The Tender comes with a lead you put on the battery and hide under the side cover.
The Odyssey 6amp charger comes with the exact same lead, in fact I just use the tender Jr. lead I already had on there when I switched to the Odyssey charger.
I was worried Nethound said he ordered an Odyssey charger but didn't mention if he had an odyssey battery. Using an Odyssey charger on a regular lead acid battery will boil the water out and fry it since it runs at a much higher voltage. That's why using a regular charger on an Odyssey battery doesn't work right either, a lead acid charger doesn't put out enough juice to fully charge an Odyssey battery.
Budman, I suggest you use that new odyssey charger on the battery at least overnight the first time .... it hasn't had a full charge yet ... ever. Until that top light on the 6amp quick charger lights up, it's not reached full capacity yet. You said you have been using the Odyssey battery for quite some time without the charger, hopefully it will come to life like mine did once it gets a full dose from the right charger.
You do have an Odyssey battery don't you?
The Odyssey charger is just for the Odyssey batteries, Once you top off the Odyssey battery with the proper charger, the battery will take a proper charge and crank the bike faster as well.

Yes, I have the PC625. When this problem started I bought a PC545, then when it persisted I moved up to the 625. I ordered the charger from Amazon last week and should have it in a couple of days and will give it a try. I also just installed a 12v socket and got one of the cigarette lighter jump starter cables, figuring I can more easily jump start from a car that way if need be. If the charger doesn't fix my problem I may have to carry the PC545 battery around with me as an emergency self-jump option.
It's too bad you haven't had the right charger the whole time. This would have been a totally different story.