Battery Keeps Dying

..the Odyssey 625 is overrated imo..try this instead..320 CCA versus 265 for the Odyssey.. MBTX20U MotoBatt Quadflex AGM Battery. Replaces All YTX20 Series Batteries: Automotive: Reviews, Prices & more

..I'm currently using the Odyssey, and my bike still won't turn over enough to start it when the temps drop down to 45* or so and stay there..I think some of our bikes are more prone to this failure than electric heater on the engine probably would be a big help..I'm trying the motobatt next..
You're using an odyssey battery charger and it still won't start in the cold? That's really strange.
You're using an odyssey battery charger and it still won't start in the cold? That's really strange., I'm using this charger..model #1206 CC Home the time I bought the Odyssey battery, it was the only charger I could find that was recommended for the battery..but it's only 3 amp constant charge..after looking at the Odyessy chargers, maybe it's not big enough?..which Odyssey charger did you use??..the 6 amp in this link?.. ODYSSEY Batteries - Chargers
I have the Odyssey battery and correct charger and my bike will not start below 40-45 degrees. I fabricated a plate heater from 8x18" thin aluminum and 2 150 watt heater pads that I strap to the sump bottom. It takes at least 1.5 hrs with the heater on before the bike will start. I am not the only one with this problem.

Sombody with the same issues [besides me, of course ;-) ] should man up and install the motobatt
and see if it solves the problem.
Bud I was using a Tender Jr. when I first got the Odyssey and i thought it was doing a fine job right up until it started getting cold. I was very disappointed with the battery and blamed the problem on it.
But rather than toss it for another I broke down and got the right charger that was made for it, a 6 amp odyssey charger/maintainer. After the first session of charging, something woke up in it. For the rest of the winter the bike started first crank and the starter spun like a top on steroids.
It turned out that the battery had never had a real charge in it since new, I was using a top notch battery with 1/2 it's potential realized. This battery delivers alot of power, but it needs alot put into it first.

Now I plug it in once in a while during the summer just to make sure it's had it's dose of higher voltage and just leave it plugged in during the winter. JRock I don't have any trouble at all starting the bike in well below zero temps now. It doesn't even have to be on the charger prior to cranking her up, It's plugged in at home but still it sits outside 12hrs or more at work in those temps with no juice.

If anyone using an Odyssey battery with the proper Odyssey charger/maintainer and has trouble getting the bike to crank over warm or cold, I'm at a loss to explain why. I can only tell you that I used to have trouble with it, but since I followed what I learned here on the site (after learning my lesson with the charger), my cranking woes are long gone.
You might want to look for a frayed wire going to ground. I had made a connection at the battery and had very small piece of frayed wire was lightly making ground. There was enough resistance to keep it from melting clear but still enough contact to drop the battery's charge overnight.
That's the one. I have just one complaint about it ... the fan runs when it's plugged in rather than just when charging. I was thinking about putting an on/off switch in the cord so I don't have to unplug it when not in use.
..okey dokey..I might try that charger before I go out and buy the Motobatt battery..I've always felt that I wasn't getting enough full use from the Odyssey PC625..if I do, I'll let ya know if it makes a difference..
I think you will be surprised how it performs with the right juice applied to it. When I first got the charger and hooked it up, the thing charged for more than an hour. Now that it's been hit with the higher voltage, when I plug it in occasionally just to top it off, it's charged in minutes.
If you already have a Tender Jr. pig tail plug mounted on the bike, the Odyssey uses the same plug, no need to change it.
Let me know how you make out with it.
I've been having the same problem.

I just ordered the Odyssey charger and will give that a try. But I have to ask, how do you ever take a road trip, or even ride to work in cool weather? Am I doomed to having to carry a charger and extension cord with me everywhere? It seems that if you can't count on the bike starting in mild weather without keeping it plugged in all the time, then it really isn't good for much.

Right now I kind of have the feeling I bought a $13,000 piece of yard art. The dealer had it for a solid month and said they couldn't recreate the problem. Picked it up, the next day it wouldn't start again. Took it to another shop and where they had it for two weeks and tell me that the charge voltage is a little low, but not low enough it should be a problem, and can't tell me why it is low in any case. I will pick it up tomorrow and wait until I get the new charger to see what happens.

Anyway, I love the bike when it runs and don't want to seem too negative, but right now I've missed 6 weeks of wonderful riding weather, a vacation road trip I had planned, and still have no confidence that my shiny new bike will start when I need it. It has been in the shop more than on the road since I've owned it and I just don't have a warm fuzzy about it.