Thanks, I thought it has maintenance purpose...well it also adds a shiny chrome piece in the engine.
While waiting for parts arrival, I tried to rehearse the adjustment. Then I got into some trouble...first of all, I have almost no experience of mechanic work but reading service manual and the posts on this forum. I was even wondering how to adjust clutch wire and free play that has been discussed on the other thread.
The symptom before my work was that the clutch slipping in high revving. I could cut (disengage) the traction but could not fully engage which is slipping. When I apply moderate throttle. After my attempt to retain free play right amount (2-3mm) as instructed in service manual, it end up being engaged all the time.
Now, when I start engine in neutral and as soon as I shift the gear with clutch lever fully pulled as usual, the engine stalls. Apparently, my clutch is not disengaging now.
I attempted to adjust in actuating arm but now even I set it as much tight as I can, the clutch will not disengage. Let me know if you come up with any thought about this symptom.