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the only gasket you will need to replace is the clutch cover gasket Ther is a chance yours will suvive enough that permatex will hold but I always order one anyway. The book tells you to pull the front fender and wheel. This is so you do not scratch the fender. You can save time and place a good towel over the fender and leave it and the wheel on. You just have to be carefull. If your oil is new save it and put it back in. Do not forget to unplug the radiator fan before pulling the radiator. the plug is under the right side infill panell where the neck is. Also do not forget to plug her back in on assembly.Thank you, Warp. I will drain the sump and put the exptra oil tray on the ground for further leak.
I will also order lifter piece but Barnett kit has already ordered. After I compared Stock/Barnett/MTC, I have chosen Barnett mainly because of price and considering that my Rocket has no mod for motor.
I prefer to use stock but don't know why stock priced about double in total if I order friction, plates and springs.
One more question about gasket installation. Do I need any grease or oil to seal on gasket when I install it?
Thanks Nobu