So... I went with Bridgestone, front and rear. Thanks very much to Idaho Red Rocket 3 for the referral to Rocky Mountain ATV, they had killer prices and free shipping.
I was still thinking about going with Bike Bandit since they offer a 3rd party road hazard warranty. But, they didn't have the Excedra in stock, and it would have been another $100+ for the warranty - not to mention $50 or so higher than RMATV's price, so I gave up my security blanket. I've gone awhile without picking up a nail, but a few years ago I went through 6 tires in 18 months. When I was looking at $385 from the local dealer for a rear tire, I started really looking into a road hazard offer. Interestingly enough, Avon offers a free one directly, good for 1 year from the date of purchase.
Based on those of you that have reported better wear and performance with the Bridgies, and the fairly significantly lower price, I decided to try them.
We'll find out after next week whether you guys are still on my Christmas card list...
Thanks for all the info and recommendations!