I appreciate your point of view, but I am not now nor have I ever trolled on the Internet (or chatroom or by any other means). That being said, there are a few points I would like to address. Regardless of whether I pay for the repair or Triumph does, my frustration is in the problem itself. My problem (and my frustrstion) is with the fact that my jewel bike is down despite the care I take of it. (On that same note, despite the suggestions, I'll be sticking with the full synthetic oil for now. I wanted to have extra on hand so I bought several cases of it when I bought the bike). I don't assume Triumph won't take care of it, they should. I have made zero mods that would affect the transmission, and furthermore problems began before I changed so much as the headlight bulb.
And yes, I added several relevant tags, which if you look at my thread history is what I do each time. The Triumph dealer and service center has also been looking at it since Saturday morning when I dropped it off. I posted after I was informed that they confirmed the problem and concluded it was not clutch, shifter, cable, or similar and is the motor.
Now I will admit, I have been quite heated about my primary bike being down with so few miles. And perhaps in my frustration I did indeed type something I did not truly mean. I do not, however, believe that I wrote that in any way that Triumph won't back up their bikes. My frustration stems from the fact that in my opinion any failure this early is either an unacceptable defect (something that is vital to emergency maneuvers), or of very poor design (considering how I treat my bikes).
All that being said, I do appreciate you chiming in about the positive experience you had with your one problem. I can only hope this will be my one problem in many more riding seasons to come.