Same **** different day from Triumph stealer ship. They aways repudiate liability first up hassle factor stuff. Customer service is fudged never buy another Triumph! Next bike is a Yamaha!
HA YAMAHA we have some horrble Yam dealers in our area and Ive owned several and they had problems SO it comes down to the dealers attitude regardless of what make I dont understand why a dealer would give you a hard time and then expect return sales from an angry customer . 1 was a dealer since the 60s and keeping a good customer happy is the no 1 goal we want everyone on our team so we do our best for everyone and everyones happy and warranty work is paid by the factory . BUT that doesnt mean you can abuse the bike or the dealer that wont work either so work it out with the dealer if hes a decent guy it should be a good expierience and everyone will be happy .
some people have said that they pop out of 1st.
mine did that a few times and i was reading the threads about this. what i was doing once and awhile i would set there idling in neutral and put it in 1st and it would go into first very soft about 10 feet it would pop out. so the fix if u let out the clutch and then pull in the clutch when u go to first it would go in with a clunk and not come out.
1 of the guys said that they were going to dealer and tell them they wanted a clunk i told i said wanted to be there when he said that:laugh:
some of the older rockets got the pop out of 2nd and they changed the gears a few times but now it seems that the newer ones r get the pop out of 2nd. also a few have have a circlip move out of place and cause major problems.
Rick, I've posted about this before but I'll copy & paste this PM info I just sent to Anomaly:

RPM Cycle on I35 in Farmers branch just a few hundred yards north of 635.
I can do all of my own mechanical work, but I do not always want to. That being said, it came to the point of doing the 30,000 service which i performed everything myself except the valve clearance check/adjust because I just didn't have the time, or the shims, ect. so I took it to RPM. Long story short: the job pays 2.5 hours book labor time. well the cam saddle bolts are notorious for seizing up & it took the tech an additional 2.0 hours to get it out. I know that was true because I drove up to Dallas from Tyler the morning they started on it (on a Saturday) & I was there when they started. We left for a while & shopped for a couple of hours while they did their thing. Well it took them much longer to finish up & they even told me they would stay after closing (4.00 pm on Sat) to finish & deliver it to me. The tech showed me the mangled up bolt he removed also.
So my point i'm getting at is they could have charged me additional $$$$$ because the stuck bolt removal is not included in book rate time for the job - But they did not, they only charged me the 2.5 quoted time + $30 valve cover gasket which I knew about at the beginning. Also 3 valves needed shims which i was not charged for as they said shims are included in the labor fee quote (they aren't expensive anyway)
So I have nothing but High praises for them. The General Manager's name is Boris Loera & he met with me personally while I was there (& my wife also) and he treated us like we were the only customers in the building. I'm very impressed. If I ever do buy a new bike it will be from them.
Check out their testimonial page from their customers.
If you do take your bike to them, obviously call & make an appointment. I dropped mine off one Saturday for them to get started & finished on the following Saturday. That was what I worked out with the service manager.

Meet our Staff

Thank you Clint. I will call to see if they can do a 24 hr turnaround. I have done all the fluid changes but lack skills and tools to complete the valve job. Will let them know Clint sent me. Going RamAir so when they remove the duct work to reach the valve cover it can stay off. It's a ***** to remove and I'm sure it's even worse to replace. I am sure they are familiar with Tune ECU and HansO.
What bothers me about this sort of thread is that the poster starts right in cursing Triumph. He hasn't even let them look at it yet. He assumes that Triumph will screw him. He tags every possible search word do that his thread will come up as many times as possible.

This bike is supposed to be on warranty. Unless he's done something stupid to the bike that he's afraid they'll find, there is no reason not to take it in and expect warranty for the repair.

I've had only one problem with an R3T in this my 8th season of ownership. And Triumph took care of that problem without any waffling or weaseling.

This kind of thread, which starts off with the unsubstantiated premise that Triumph won't back up their bikes, serves no purpose. It makes me wonder if it's an HD troll.
Thank you Clint. I will call to see if they can do a 24 hr turnaround. I have done all the fluid changes but lack skills and tools to complete the valve job. Will let them know Clint sent me. Going RamAir so when they remove the duct work to reach the valve cover it can stay off. It's a ***** to remove and I'm sure it's even worse to replace. I am sure they are familiar with Tune ECU and HansO.

Rick, Ask for Boris, the general manager - the service manager that was there is no longer there - Tell Boris Clint from Tyler with the custom painted 05 R3 sent you (they did mine 1 year ago). If you want them to do a 24 hour turn around you will need to set up an appointment to bring it in on the morning that they will be starting on it. I don't know if they will leave off the duct for you - some shops don't like to do an "incomplete repair" in case something were to happen later & they get blamed for it.
And NO, They haven't got a clue about TuneEcu or especially HansO
What bothers me about this sort of thread is that the poster starts right in cursing Triumph. He hasn't even let them look at it yet. He assumes that Triumph will screw him. He tags every possible search word do that his thread will come up as many times as possible.

This bike is supposed to be on warranty. Unless he's done something stupid to the bike that he's afraid they'll find, there is no reason not to take it in and expect warranty for the repair.

I've had only one problem with an R3T in this my 8th season of ownership. And Triumph took care of that problem without any waffling or weaseling.

This kind of thread, which starts off with the unsubstantiated premise that Triumph won't back up their bikes, serves no purpose. It makes me wonder if it's an HD troll.

C'mon now - Anomaly is no HD troll - just frustrated
Rick, Ask for Boris, the general manager - the service manager that was there is no longer there - Tell Boris Clint from Tyler with the custom painted 05 R3 sent you (they did mine 1 year ago). If you want them to do a 24 hour turn around you will need to set up an appointment to bring it in on the morning that they will be starting on it. I don't know if they will leave off the duct for you - some shops don't like to do an "incomplete repair" in case something were to happen later & they get blamed for it.
And NO, They haven't got a clue about TuneEcu or especially HansO

Thank you for that contact. Keeping the bike stock might be more better. Keep you posted
What bothers me about this sort of thread is that the poster starts right in cursing Triumph. He hasn't even let them look at it yet. He assumes that Triumph will screw him. He tags every possible search word do that his thread will come up as many times as possible.

This bike is supposed to be on warranty. Unless he's done something stupid to the bike that he's afraid they'll find, there is no reason not to take it in and expect warranty for the repair.

I've had only one problem with an R3T in this my 8th season of ownership. And Triumph took care of that problem without any waffling or weaseling.

This kind of thread, which starts off with the unsubstantiated premise that Triumph won't back up their bikes, serves no purpose. It makes me wonder if it's an HD troll.

I appreciate your point of view, but I am not now nor have I ever trolled on the Internet (or chatroom or by any other means). That being said, there are a few points I would like to address. Regardless of whether I pay for the repair or Triumph does, my frustration is in the problem itself. My problem (and my frustrstion) is with the fact that my jewel bike is down despite the care I take of it. (On that same note, despite the suggestions, I'll be sticking with the full synthetic oil for now. I wanted to have extra on hand so I bought several cases of it when I bought the bike). I don't assume Triumph won't take care of it, they should. I have made zero mods that would affect the transmission, and furthermore problems began before I changed so much as the headlight bulb.

And yes, I added several relevant tags, which if you look at my thread history is what I do each time. The Triumph dealer and service center has also been looking at it since Saturday morning when I dropped it off. I posted after I was informed that they confirmed the problem and concluded it was not clutch, shifter, cable, or similar and is the motor.

Now I will admit, I have been quite heated about my primary bike being down with so few miles. And perhaps in my frustration I did indeed type something I did not truly mean. I do not, however, believe that I wrote that in any way that Triumph won't back up their bikes. My frustration stems from the fact that in my opinion any failure this early is either an unacceptable defect (something that is vital to emergency maneuvers), or of very poor design (considering how I treat my bikes).

All that being said, I do appreciate you chiming in about the positive experience you had with your one problem. I can only hope this will be my one problem in many more riding seasons to come.
Seems spoiled. Stuff happens. We're generally happier if we work through it. Give Triumph a chance. You've blasted them without even letting them check out your bike. You seem hellbent on making sure that everyone knows how angry you are. In my view, you really don't have a basis for such anger yet. You've even got another bike, so you can ride when you want to.

Let it go. Life's too short to be angry any longer than warranted.
Dont change gears on the Rocket like you would a Japanese bike - select the gear with conviction as there is a lot of steel (gears) to move - don't be afraid of breaking it by doing this as i think there could be more damage done if not fully engaging the next gear.
I use the best oil i can and change it every 5,000 KLMS as i believe you can not harm anything by over servicing or lubricating.