Based on some terrible experiences I've suffered personally with several Triumph dealerships and triumph corporate, plus the countless other bad experiences of others here and over on the "other" site when it was much more viable, I would respectfully disagree with the view from The Red Bull's bridge. triumph makes some truly phenomenal machines for us to enjoy, however their dealership network is notoriously thin, their techs as a whole do not seem to meet nominal standards on a consistent basis and corporate shows every indication of being "out to lunch". To whit, regarding that last observation, they really have not had any sustained, effective national marketing campaign since I became a proud Triumph rider some 8 years ago and absolutely none at all for their R3. Who here was motivated to consider the purchase a Triumph because of their paltry ad campaigns or any other sort of marketing.

Seems to me that the problem Anomaly brought to his dealership could have been dealt with by them in a much more customer-centric/service-oriented manner rather than threatening him with a $1500 bill to do exploratory surgery on what certainly sounds to be a babied (not abused) motorcycle. Also, they should have immediately made accommodations with him to make a date to thoroughly examine his bike in order to substantially rule out the possibility that the transmission/shifting problem was outside of the factory warranty's scope. At least their customer would then have a sense of what he was facing to resolve the problem.

You have to ask yourself just what the odds are of such a mechanical problem that is potentially inaccessable without cracking the motor case not being under warranty. Anomaly's problem could very possibly be diagnosed and repairable via the front engine cover, but apparently his dealership doesn't know that or didn't suggest it as a possibility. If it is, likely the repair would take 4-6 hours max. Instead, they seem to have threatened him with a big bill for a problem that is, in all likelihood, covered under the warranty. That Magnuson-Moss Act puts the dealership's feet to the flame, not the other way around, which, again , appears to be the line of attack the dealership has initially taken. Please correct me if I'm wrong, Anomaly!

Kudos to my bud, Clint, for recommending our new member to an authorized dealership that treated him right and did his necessary maintenance work well. Triumph shops like that still seem to be at least as much of the exception as they are the rule across the USA. One can only hope that Triumph will listen much more closely to its customer base so that, hopefully, maybe, at some point in the not-to-distant future, the caliber of their dealerships and the overall satisfaction of those that visit or patronize them will be a better match to their peerless lineup of motorcycles.
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OP read my thread about tranny issues. You have a bent shift fork.

Three of us all had the same thing occur within a month each other, same symptoms as you, all had bent shift forks, worn gear dogs, and all needed a grand rebuilt. Both under warranty were covered 100 percent.

Don't *****around with it, just take it in ask them to test ride it. Triumph will honor the repair. It's not your oil, it's not your technique, it's nothing except a miss assembled tranny from Triumph.

Good luck. Don't stop being a loud customer till they fix it.

Every time you pop out of gear your damaging the dogs on the gear.
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OP read my thread about tranny issues. You have a bent shift fork.

Three of us all had the same thing occur within a month each other, same symptoms as you, all had bent shift forks, worn gear dogs, and all needed a grand rebuilt. Both under warranty were covered 100 percent.

Don't *****around with it, just take it in ask them to test ride it. Triumph will honor the repair. It's not your oil, it's not your technique, it's nothing except a miss assembled tranny from Triumph.

Good luck. Don't stop being a loud customer till they fix it.

Every time you pop out of gear your damaging the dogs on the gear.

There you go. Thank you Calviger for your Top Fuel answer.
just curious if u held foot pressure on the shifter after it went in to 2nd would it pop out?
OP read my thread about tranny issues. You have a bent shift fork.

Three of us all had the same thing occur within a month each other, same symptoms as you, all had bent shift forks, worn gear dogs, and all needed a grand rebuilt. Both under warranty were covered 100 percent.

Yeah looking at some of the other bike forums like M109 and Kawasaki, that was what I suspected.

It's at the service department already, they've had it since Saturday morning.

just curious if u held foot pressure on the shifter after it went in to 2nd would it pop out?

No, never tried that. And can not at the moment.
Good luck man. Honestly, it's unsettling to have to warranty a new bike for such a significant repair, but in my case, the bike came back ten times better. Smooth shifts that stay in gear with very little pedal pressure to change gears.

Expect a 1-2 month down time waiting on parts, it's not a minor job to fix.
Expect a 1-2 month down time waiting on parts, it's not a minor job to fix.

I certainly hope that is indeed not the case or I'm going to raise Hell at the dealership. They called up Warranty about the issue when they gave me the $1500 warning. They should have at least mentioned that it may be an extended repair. Not happy with this dealership and their lack of communication. Or more specifically I should say, I'm not happy with the lack of communication from the Service department. The sales department has never had any problem calling to check in, and actually encouraged me to test ride the other bikes I was considering before I bought my Rocket. The Sales team is solid.
I certainly hope that is indeed not the case or I'm going to raise Hell at the dealership. They called up Warranty about the issue when they gave me the $1500 warning. They should have at least mentioned that it may be an extended repair. Not happy with this dealership and their lack of communication. Or more specifically I should say, I'm not happy with the lack of communication from the Service department. The sales department has never had any problem calling to check in, and actually encouraged me to test ride the other bikes I was considering before I bought my Rocket. The Sales team is solid.
NO point in raising hell tell them to
I certainly hope that is indeed not the case or I'm going to raise Hell at the dealership. They called up Warranty about the issue when they gave me the $1500 warning. They should have at least mentioned that it may be an extended repair. Not happy with this dealership and their lack of communication. Or more specifically I should say, I'm not happy with the lack of communication from the Service department. The sales department has never had any problem calling to check in, and actually encouraged me to test ride the other bikes I was considering before I bought my Rocket. The Sales team is solid.
NO need to raise hell its on them to fix the problem SO tell them FIX IT
I certainly hope that is indeed not the case or I'm going to raise Hell at the dealership. They called up Warranty about the issue when they gave me the $1500 warning. They should have at least mentioned that it may be an extended repair. Not happy with this dealership and their lack of communication. Or more specifically I should say, I'm not happy with the lack of communication from the Service department. The sales department has never had any problem calling to check in, and actually encouraged me to test ride the other bikes I was considering before I bought my Rocket. The Sales team is solid.[/QUOTjust tell them you want a NEW bike
So long story short, I bought my 2015 R3T about 4 months ago and am having transmission issues. It has ~5700 miles on it and I got it new, old stock.

From day one it has always been a bit finicky about finding 1st gear from Neutral (almost exclusively on a cold start). About 1 out of every 10 times I would shift into first it would go into gear and ride about 75' to 100' and then pop into neutral. I finally got into the habit of shifting into 1st gear, riding 10' -15' then double checking 1st was fully engaged. (Not my first bike, nor am I new to riding) I always dismissed it as part of the Rockets unique design, and it just needed to break in.

Recently, I started pushing the bike more than usual playing around with hard acceleration. I found that in 2nd gear it pops out of gear and into N with hard acceleration. It's not a huge deal as I don't push the bike hard 99.9% of the time (let's face it 50% throttle is more than sufficient for most acceleration). On the flipside, I don't ever want to get into a situation where I need to get out of the way quickly and find I'm in N without power.

Finally got it to the dealership for them to take a look at it and they can't confirm the exact problem without spending about 7.5hrs to tear the transmission apart. With the ship rate at the shops near me that's about $750 just to determine the problem, another $750 to put it back together. So $1,500 before any repair is done. If they determine the problem to be a warranty issue, Triumph foots the bill, if not, it's on me. I get that, I really do, I work in the service industry. I go to people's homes every single day for problems they caused not covered under warranty.

What really irritates me is that there is a problem in the first place. I ABSOLUTELY BABY MY BIKES. Anyone who knows me knows this. My club pokes fun at me as I clean my bike after every ride. (When the day is done, not after every stop) My local service shop knows that my right saddlebag is for nothing more than bike care products. Heck on long rides I even coat the body panels with Plasti-Dip glossifier as a clear protectant (BTW if you try it, spray it very wet). I understand yes manufacturing defects occur. But whether it's a factory defect, or just a poorly designed part that wore/rounded I'm irate that I have a transmission problem with a bike that's been taken care of very well.

I'll be extremely surprised if the dealership determines the problem is not a factory error, but I will be beyond disappointed if that is indeed the case. It's not about the money, as I spent more than that on accessories for it already. It's about the reliability. I'm the only person in my club with a Triumph, and most people I meet barely have even heard of the Rocket. One of the things I love about this bike vs any other is the crowd I draw at group rides. Everyone is always curious about the V6 cruiser (LOL). I don't know that I can ever be as excited about my R3T anymore. For me, it's a enormous letdown.

I apologize about the rant, I'm just infuriated and disappointed beyond all rationality.
I have a 2015 R3T I bought new and haven't had any problems, bought in June 2016 and have 8000 miles on it, love it