Had a mate one time who had himself all wired up to take calls hands-free while riding. We discovered that despite all this electrickery, he couldn't see texts without stopping. So guess what we did????
I hate the cell phone and distracted driving but I don’t like camera enforcement either. We would all have fines out the azz if cameras were watching us drive these Rockets.
The police are exempt from the law? So they are immune from distraction? BS I think we’ve had this discussion before and my opinions are not popular.
Problem could be solved tomorrow by legislating the phones to use their GPS to block all incoming and outgoing calls or text at any speed over say, 10MPH. Only outgoing 911 calls allowed.
But that won't happen because society is a bunch of crybabies who fail to realize we got by just fine without cell phones literally since the beginning of time.
Agree, but cell phone use while driving has been shown to be as, or more dangerous than alcohol impairment.
These are the ONLY cameras I would endorse!
And just like in the bad old days when people would proclaim they actually drive better after a few beers, I now hear them saying they can drive just fine in traffic while holding a phone to their ear.