They make a penetrant spray and a spray developer to show cracks. Don't know the cost, shame, because doesn't take much to get results. Like the idea of using spirolocs. Do they fit the existing shafts without machine work?
The cylinder head is clean and ready for the big sticks! After alot of measuring and sanding, using cones, 60 grit on intake side and 80 grit on exhaust, i cleaned up my knife edges, got rid of most of my digging mistakes and this is what i ended up with. I kept in mind and measured bowl to valve size and i kept in mind to not lower the floor, i did work on roof removing 2 large humps in each intake tract took some time sanding, i put up the metal tools early in this project. Exhaust i did not want to hog so i sanded round working on knife edges and just smoothed up the ports. I tried best i could as a rookie to copy what a master did, i realize this master is probably nauseous looking at this creation but i got to try and learn. I made a bunch of mistakes that wont be repeated next time, like really, you did that after your valve job, no seats were touched, I just couldn’t live with it in that condition and ill never make that and many other mistakes again. All comments are welcome, i dont get butt hurt so fire away as its the only way to learn by fire. Italians say, you cant win if you cant loose. I took the shot!