207hp with Cams and Pistons

I was hoping some one would speak up, I was thinking the diameter of opening of headers?
If is the case is the opening on headers for Jardines good?
Are we talking header pipes ? or trail pipe diameter at 2¼" and 62mm (63.5 = 2½")
Tail pipe I would assume.
Hey Paul since your here what did i buy from you. It is the three into one full system. What are its dimensions? I know it work for me.
The tail pipe? So the more bigger the opening the better?
When I go see my bike I would think my end of tail pipe is bigger then 2 1/4 unless your talking on the opening of the baffle?
Hey I'm not technical so don't beat me up,I'm just trying to understand
Very easy to do, normally happens on my dirt bike, but can normally just lay that down, a bit harder to do on the Rocket

N-E-V-E-R purposely lay, or try to, a road bike down to prevent a crash!
There are many proven reasons for this that I shall explain if you are interested.
N-E-V-E-R purposely lay, or try to, a road bike down to prevent a crash!
There are many proven reasons for this that I shall explain if you are interested.
Always happy to hear logic and hopefully I never have to lay another one down. Did once when 17 and full of piss on my Kwaka ZIR 1000
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Always happy to hear logic and hopefully I never have to lay another one down. Did once when 17 and pull of piss on my Kwaka ZIR 1000

Sliding friction for a motor on side is in the .35g to .45g range.
Depending on your skill level, braking friction for a motor is in the .65g to .85g range.

Therefor; let's say you are doing 35 mph when that cage turns left in front of you.
You are an intermediate rider and can emergency brake at .75g. Your motor will come to a stop in a minimum of 54 feet.
You are an inexperienced rider and lay the bike down. Your motor will come to a stop in a minimum of 102 feet!
Tis actually much more distance if you account for the 2 seconds or so you will first travel while you lay it down.

If at all possible, NEVER give up control of your motor, EVER!
Once you and your motor are down and sliding on the pavement, how far above the pavement is your head?
Now figure how far above the pavement that cage bumper is?

Great motor that Z1R 1000! Coffin tank?
I've had two KZ900s and a 1000LTD.
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@1olbull I love it when you talk dirty.
Nicely said !

Well then, Pablo, just to harden your nipples:
The cage is 55 feet away when you emergency brake - you stop safely 1 foot prior to impact!
The cage is 55 feet away when you have laid it down - you smack the right front corner of the cage front bumper with your face at 24 mph!
Ayep. My one impact with another vehicle happened just that way.

CB-125S (I still have) doing about 35 when a truck with lawn care equipment on a trailer turned left in front of me.

I was stupid in assuming he would make the turn, and instead, something caused him to stop, so I started braking too late.

Still, I kept it up, and had it down to about 5 mph when I hit the side of the trailer -- just enough momentum to go over the handlebars.

The front plastic fender cracked and I replaced that -- I was in uniform on the way to work and tore my clothes with some nice blood stains for effect.

With the address on the side of the truck, I showed up in the guy's office complete with shreds and blood, ready to demand . . . he had his checkbook out already with "Sorry man" - I requested and received $75 - and the lesson about defensive riding: priceless.