2020 Rocket 3 TFC details released!

My pockets have become rather deep and yes bragging about it. Got a check today that just flat blew me away. Wife went out and spent some. Me i just worked on the bike and then looked at the direct deposit and said Fuc& it and got good and drunk. By the way I am fond of COORS.:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsdown:
I’m glad for you. This is why I knew the price tag for the new TFC is really not an issue for you. You could have it if you really wanted it. Either way it’s you oil well mate:thumbsup:
This is a whole new bike and loaded with new stuff including expensive after market goodies. It’s not just about big power increases. It’s updated all way round.
This is a whole new bike and loaded with new stuff including expensive after market goodies. It’s not just about big power increases. It’s updated all way round.
Your right look at the foot pegs two locations for them. Until you lay her down and rip them out of the engine case. Then if you didn't break the case so it leaks you get one more bolt position to try to break it again.already heard Mr. Lushes tuning opinions as of right now and I side with him. Not saying its not improved its just not worth twice what I paid for mine new. Now also it looks like even though they changed rim sizes in the back the front axle is still higher. And with the new rim size of say 18 inch. Your rear axle height you gained with the 240/55/16 just got eliminated. As the 240/40/18 is smaller. So looks hot but will corner like a criuser !!!! 40 kilos lighter lafted the man that works his arse off to stay 155 lbs. :D
Like someone already mentioned Toyota had some just running away for no reason. Audi had some too. A lady who was friends with my aunt had one that decided it wanted to go wide open while she was backing out of a parking spot. Luckily she wasn't hurt but she did total 3 cars. I'll keep control of my own throttle thank you very much.
Ah, I see. Now that makes sense, difficult to place trust in a system that has known faults!
I’m glad for you. This is why I knew the price tag for the new TFC is really not an issue for you. You could have it if you really wanted it. Either way it’s you oil well mate:thumbsup:
I believe the new rocket is way over priced. The other down side is the bike is way to high tec for me. I like to do my own work and believe most of the systems on the bike would be to advanced for someone of my capability's. No proof but have heard that the ECU is locked. Seriously looking for a 2018 Roadster. That is something we can work with and on. The X is running super and figure it should last awhile longer. The next Rocket is going to be a toy. Beef it up a bit and ride on occasions. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I don't understand the thinking of a lot of the guys on here.
For years I happily rode around on my Commando and thought it was a fine machine. I didn't need a modern bike as the Norton was perfectly adequate for my needs. It took me touring into the States reliably and I had a ton of fun.
In 1994 I and some friends went along to see and test ride the new Hinckley Triumphs as the factory caravan was in town. After, as I was heading home I remember laughing to myself as I realised how antiquated my bike really was. Then I thought that 20 years had passed and technology had advanced considerably. I though of 20 years before my Norton and how much better bikes were in terms of performance and reliability than mid 50's bikes. Moving on from the Sprint 20 years and the Rocket appeared. Better in many ways (crappy twin shock rear suspension aside). Now we move on 15 years with the new 2500cc Rocket. This one has some serious goodies on it including a single sided swingarm with proper rising rate suspension and a host of technological advances. After the TFC there will be a 'standard' more affordable version which in all likelyhood will eat our Rockets on a twisty road. Let's not be Luddites. Embrace these advanced beasts, don't live in the past like Harley-Davidson does!

I hear what you're saying and don't disagree. It's important to keep up with technology and not get left behind. It's a beautiful bike with many excellent features, loads of torque which we already know plus it's 40kgs lighter, got to make a difference to what we're used to.

My biggest gripe and the reason I wouldn't part with my R3R is the price. £25k is rediculous. You can get a cracking bike for the cost of change alone and still keep what you're already grinning about. Also Triumph in my opinion are aiming for those that can and want to spend that sort of money, personally I won't give them the satisfaction, Each to their own though and I bet those that do will have multiple orgasms on it.
Do realize how much money I have?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Just joking about massive money I don’t want to come off sounding like an arrogant dik.;)
I've heard it said that dentists make even more than plumbers.:D
Well I see the new bike is not highly regarded.

I guess I knew this already.