2020 Rocket 3 TFC details released!

Ok I’ll confess. I put money down the other day. After looking more closely at the pics and the specs I just said what the heck, I’m not living forever on this planet so go for it. Sandy thinks I’m buying for her.:rolleyes::p

If she can ride it due to its seat height then we’ll share it.

The dealer has been told what I’ll pay and it ain’t msrp.:whitstling:
Kind of figured that. Do you realize how much i can drink at a setting? :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
Do realize how much money I have?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Just joking about massive money I don’t want to come off sounding like an arrogant dik.;)
:laugh::laugh::laugh:Fine with me. Your a well educated man with a good career. Myself am just a dumb fuc) welder. Then again my friend how many oil fields do you own with 100 percent mineral rights? :sneaky::sneaky::sneaky: Myself have a few. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: Just a dumb Fuc(ing Okie:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
:laugh::laugh::laugh:Fine with me. Your a well educated man with a good career. Myself am just a dumb fuc) welder. Then again my friend how many oil fields do you own with 100 percent mineral rights? :sneaky::sneaky::sneaky: Myself have a few. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: Just a dumb Fuc(ing Okie:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Yeh I ain’t challenging your wallet bro just making good on my promise to buy you a few rounds.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

If I need some cash for the new TFC maybe you could float me a note.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
My pockets have become rather deep and yes bragging about it. Got a check today that just flat blew me away. Wife went out and spent some. Me i just worked on the bike and then looked at the direct deposit and said Fuc& it and got good and drunk. By the way I am fond of COORS.:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsdown:
The new 2.5 seems to have the same torque specs as the old roadster.
...It depends on where you read it i think..i have read 230nm's??......
FWIW, my 2016 Roadster with K&N pods, Jardine headers dyno tune and PCV came out at 199 NM's of torque max...so i'm thinking that the new one, stock, will be more than that...??who knows ? and mines not stock.
You'd trust the rest of the electronic gadgetry but not the FBW?? I've seen a lot of the responses on here saying the same. And the reason why?? This is a serious question, not a pi$$ take, interested to know what there is to doubt or mistrust.
Like someone already mentioned Toyota had some just running away for no reason. Audi had some too. A lady who was friends with my aunt had one that decided it wanted to go wide open while she was backing out of a parking spot. Luckily she wasn't hurt but she did total 3 cars. I'll keep control of my own throttle thank you very much.
...It depends on where you read it i think..i have read 230nm's??......
FWIW, my 2016 Roadster with K&N pods, Jardine headers dyno tune and PCV came out at 199 NM's of torque max...so i'm thinking that the new one, stock, will be more than that...??who knows ? and mines not stock.
Still the price tag change well and truly outweighs the performance increase - on a bike that was once a big shiny cruiser - and isn’t any more.
At my age I prefer the old cruiser - I hope they provide a cuisy option for touring and 2 up.