Couple of suggestions, not sure where you are at with the sale:
Sell the easily removable items on this forum. The Tors, windshield, etc... you'll get a lot more money. I'd buy the Tors and give you my stocks for yours.
List it on Craigslist in several locations for free. Easy and free, but make sure that you put negotiations in person only, no test rides without cash payment, etc.
Look at eBay finished auctions and nationwide craigslist searches for pricing.
Cycle will have a good idea of the highest pricing you could seek.
I bought my Rocket, 2014 R3R 7k miles with Ramair, Viking Bags, windscreen, factory and Corbin seats for $7,000 this February. It needed a battery and tires, but is in perfect condition.
Good luck with your sale, and enjoy the Vette!