Couple of suggestions, not sure where you are at with the sale:
Sell the easily removable items on this forum. The Tors, windshield, etc... you'll get a lot more money. I'd buy the Tors and give you my stocks for yours.
List it on Craigslist in several locations for free. Easy and free, but make sure that you put negotiations in person only, no test rides without cash payment, etc.
Look at eBay finished auctions and nationwide craigslist searches for pricing.
Cycle will have a good idea of the highest pricing you could seek.
I bought my Rocket, 2014 R3R 7k miles with Ramair, Viking Bags, windscreen, factory and Corbin seats for $7,000 this February. It needed a battery and tires, but is in perfect condition.

Good luck with your sale, and enjoy the Vette!
Wifey-Poo won't ride with me, she's too scared...I'd rather have the "plastic cage"...
Ok I will not mess with someone who is scared or try to alter there opinion. But hey you can still come ride with us I seen no statement saying she would whoop ya for enjoying a ride. Come on bud the bike is still yours for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Couple of suggestions, not sure where you are at with the sale:
Sell the easily removable items on this forum. The Tors, windshield, etc... you'll get a lot more money. I'd buy the Tors and give you my stocks for yours.
List it on Craigslist in several locations for free. Easy and free, but make sure that you put negotiations in person only, no test rides without cash payment, etc.
Look at eBay finished auctions and nationwide craigslist searches for pricing.
Cycle will have a good idea of the highest pricing you could seek.
I bought my Rocket, 2014 R3R 7k miles with Ramair, Viking Bags, windscreen, factory and Corbin seats for $7,000 this February. It needed a battery and tires, but is in perfect condition.

Good luck with your sale, and enjoy the Vette!

I don't have time to be pulling off parts to put stock ones back on, and if we swapped exhaust systems, then there's going to be shipping costs, time for removal/installation and boxing up parts, etc...I'm apparently going to lose money selling no matter what I do, so I might as well just leave it as is...I do like your suggestion of going to a broader listing area, that should make it more visible to more people...
Ok I will not mess with someone who is scared or try to alter there opinion. But hey you can still come ride with us I seen no statement saying she would whoop ya for enjoying a ride. Come on bud the bike is still yours for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Riding in IL would mean trailering the bike more. Between my last bike and this one, I've done all the bike trailering I'm going to do. It's a lot of work and I just don't have the energy, or desire to do it anymore...
I can't believe I've had absolutely zero interest in this bike. I can understand no one being interested in this site, as most of the people here already have one, but I've had no interest whatsoever from my CL ad....zilch!
The Rocket is a niche bike. I guess if John Q. Public has never ridden one, there is no idea how amazing the bike is.
Maybe goose your add with text saying to go experience a test ride at a dealer and then buy yours for a lot cheaper
It's just too much of a niche bike? Hell, most people in the US don't even know that Triumph still makes motorcycles! The 650 Bonneville is all they remember as in "back in the day". I don't even know what their other models are?o_O

It's a testament to Triumphs exponential failure at advertising.