2011 R3T Completely Dead

Thanks. I also suggest that you put your helmet on backwards and play in the 5 o'clock traffic next to 1OL. Looking badass has never been a consideration of mine. Being able to deal with self-styled badasses and smartasses, whether they're in or out of helmets, is important to me and I make the effort to have that capability.

It was the ground! I took the bike to my independent mechanic today expecting an extensive electrical exam and probably soldering. He told me the neg battery cable was barely attached to the engine block and it was so loose he is positive that is the cause of the problem. Thanks again to everyone who tried to help.
Wow, I did write "unless the negative cable is literally just barely hanging on to the engine block"... who knew?
dont see how engine ground can affect the lights coming on
The mechanic is not a "shade tree" type and his boss, who's in his 50's and has been bike racer ....
Ah well there you go then, he & his boss ought to know best then ...........
Ah well there you go then, he & his boss ought to know best then ...........

I didn't finish that sentence because I changed my reply but the partial sentence showed up anyway. I'm not going to finish it now. If you do know something that makes what I was told wrong how about sharing it with me so I can bring it up when I go back there this afternoon to have the rear tire changed. My ego is not at stake here--I just want the bike fixed right.
a man that knows how to use a voltmeter could find that problem in 30 seconds.