Ride on whatever the fork you want. I, for one, will never, ever return to the Darkside for many reasons that will fall on deaf ears on the one hand and make perfectly rational sense to others.
PHIL knows we have every type of road surface to ride on and the CT on my bike caused the bike to be thrown around on the irregular surfaces and the COMMANDER 2 is unaffected and the bike feels 200 lbs lighter and easy to flick around with none of the wandering , weaving and wrestling associated with the CT so its a no brainer the MICH COMMANDER 2 wins this comparison and is my choice till they come out with something better
Ride on whatever the fork you want. I, for one, will never, ever return to the Darkside for many reasons that will fall on deaf ears on the one hand and make perfectly rational sense to others.
Seems like there would be a market for a darkside hybrid tire with car tread and a motorcycle bead to fit the rim properly given all the examples of different bikes using them out there
Seems like there would be a market for a darkside hybrid tire with car tread and a motorcycle bead to fit the rim properly given all the examples of different bikes using them out there
ANY tire designed to fit a MC is going to be a MC tire. I used MC tires on the front of my 23 T bucket HOT ROD but with MC rims that fit the tire correctly
Seems like there would be a market for a darkside hybrid tire with car tread and a motorcycle bead to fit the rim properly given all the examples of different bikes using them out there
It will come it just might take a little time. First they have other pressing matters to finish. Like getting all that LGBTQ bathroom stuff straight then they can add Darksiders
It will come it just might take a little time. First they have other pressing matters to finish. Like getting all that LGBTQ bathroom stuff straight then they can add Darksiders
In california, aren't carpool lanes restricted to cages with passengers OR motorcycles, with or without a passenger? According to them then, (and any other states where this law applies) motorcycles are more likely to be a passenger vehicle than a car!
I personally, am quite happy with my exedra max, long as I can keep getting them below $200.
First off they are NOT called car pool lanes. They are HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lanes.
Motors are indeed vehicles, NOT passenger vehicles. They are allowed in HOV lanes due to their energy efficiency.
40psi is all right for a bike tyre that has only a small contact patch. As the DS has a larger contact area you don't need as much pressure to do the job properly. At 30psi it is not under-inflated. Many cars run at 30-35psi and so the tyre is quite happy to be in that area.