2,500 mile review on first dark side experience.

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Do you really believe a square car tire leaned into a turn has MORE contact area than a MC tire???? :eek: :D
:roll::roll::roll::roll:You crack me up and the Answer to your Question ............ is .............
. ........... YUP !!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
:roll::roll::roll::roll:You crack me up and the Answer to your Question ............ is .............
. ........... YUP !!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I highly doubt this and would have to see this to believe.
I highly doubt this and would have to see this to believe.
It is easy to do. In a parking lot, with a puddle of water, ride through the puddle and then lean the bike into a tight curve. Measure the width of the wet track remaining, and you will see which is wider.
I'm all for the Big Balls signs.
Contigo, Mex! (I think I said that right ;-)
It is easy to do. In a parking lot, with a puddle of water, ride through the puddle and then lean the bike into a tight curve. Measure the width of the wet track remaining, and you will see which is wider.

I shall only offer this informative article from Wing World. Hope you enjoy it.
Motorcycle Tires - Wing World Magazine
Wow all the info that is provided is nice but I really have to wonder how many miles a year these guys ride? You know it is real easy to sit around and chew the fat over statistics and talk a lot of talk but it seems to me that there's just a lot of flaws in the write ups that indicates to me that maybe some of these folks do not spend much time riding. For me I buy a bike to ride. It is not a toy to take out and enjoy just on the weekend or to take out and ride just on a trip somewhere for a couple of hundred miles and then bring it back home and park it. For me the rocket is daily transportation. If I miss a day or two not riding I turn into a grade A @sshole. Been like that since the first time I rode a bike some 41 years ago. I did not buy myself a car until we were 40. Even at best My fiat which is about 3 years old only has around 31,000 miles on it. The Rocket X is officially a year old and has 19,300 miles showing. So if I can run a tire on the back for more than 7,000 miles and enjoy the ride @ell yes we are going to do it. I did not buy the Rocket thinking that it would be a bike for the twisting turnings and to ride like a sport bike. I bought it because I was sick and tired of buying bikes that after a few years of riding where shot and required a lot of time and money to rebuild just to turn around and do it again every 30,000 miles or so. The Rocket so far has been the best bike I have every owned. Very nice all the way around. The car tire is sweet. Love the way the bike rides on the Highway. If that is not your cup of tea so be it. The tire handles much better in the rain than any motorcycle tire I have ever bought. Believe me average yearly milage on a bike is around 20,000 to 25,000 a year and the last couple of heavy downpours with the car tire on the bikes has been a dream. So Maybe a car tire is not for everybody or there riding style but for me and the way I ride it is great. Enough said.;);)
Many, if not most people in first world countries do not buy motorcycles as their daily drivers or primary vehicles for commutation, sonny. While car tires on motorcycles might provide some economic advantage for some, they also provide a false sense of security for those that limit most of their motorcycling mileage to straight and level roadways or on any other common roadways and conditions, for that matter.

Whether a rider wants to admit to or acknowledge the safety compromises that are attendant with mixing MC tires and rims with those designed for cars or vice versa, well, its still a free country, so have at it. The risks are valid and incontrovertible, IMO. This is pretty much an analog for what sort of helmet is the smartest choice for motorcyclists. It's still a matter of choice, regardless of any bothersome facts.
JRock, your opinion, too, is a matter of choice, just as is how it's received.

Eloquently stated, I might add.:roll:
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