2,500 mile review on first dark side experience.

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HEY MR. CT there are other Rocket owners that get a lot more miles out of the MOTORCYCLE tires than I do so you guys are are the BS artists and who cares what kind of fairy tales you tell about burning up MC tires only proves you guys are not the norm but the extreme so you need to run CAR TIRES or take driving lessons BUT if your riding like a road racer then your going to burn up tires so I think you guys need some riding instruction if your ruining tires as you say just riding normally on public roads BUT I think its all fairy tales LOL
IMG_20160623_083754269.jpg IMG_20160623_083754269.jpg IMG_20160426_105437312.jpg This is not the fairy tale version. Around 5000 on this Excedra Max.
IMG_20160623_083754269.jpg IMG_20160426_105437312.jpg

IMG_20160617_153758451.jpg Over 5000 Commander II on TBird.
I'll admit you're right. I don't have a picture at the moment but my wife's 1100 Shadow has 8000 on a Metz and still has 75℅ left. So you can get 10000 out of a Metz. Tire.


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I'm no expert, but I know how to ride to get 10,000 + miles out of a Metz. Accelerate smoothly and gently. Always ride at or below the speed limit. Stop using unnecessary amounts of torque leaving stops and entering the freeway. Stop twisting the throttle just to feel rush of Speed. Ride on only twisty roads the first 10k. Then get another ten riding only straight roads. Reduce weight by losing 150 lbs. Only ride on smooth soft asphalt roads. This would also solve my fuel mileage and brake pad wear issues. I can't get 10,000 miles out of a Metz.

You have to be kidding. Yeahhh, you are. For a moment I though you were serious and felt sorry for your R3. :roll: tire 005.jpg
HEY MR. CT there are other Rocket owners that get a lot more miles out of the MOTORCYCLE tires than I do so you guys are are the BS artists and who cares what kind of fairy tales you tell about burning up MC tires only proves you guys are not the norm but the extreme so you need to run CAR TIRES or take driving lessons BUT if your riding like a road racer then your going to burn up tires so I think you guys need some riding instruction if your ruining tires as you say just riding normally on public roads BUT I think its all fairy tales LOL
So after riding for about 40 years and only having three minor accidents your saying that I might need riding lessons because I can not run a motorcycle tire 10,000 miles? The last 15 years average per year would be somewhere between 20,000 to 25,000 miles per year. The only tire that I seem to be able to even come close to 10,000 miles has been a michelin commander two (run them on the Harley) Michelin would be ideal on the Rocket X but they do not make the tire size for the rear. I was not going to bite and make a comment about your ridicules post's but implying that if you run a CT on a bike means that you do not know how to ride a bike is a bit much even for you. Your a real tool.:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
Its not like this discussion hasn't happened many times. But, if you guys want to keep rehashing it, that's fine. But please, lets stop the personal insults.

Will a 2007 R3 Classic with an MT 7.5 x 16 rim fit an MT 5.0 x 16 rim? (both non abs) What is the difference? Will the same hub and disc fit both?
So after riding for about 40 years and only having three minor accidents your saying that I might need riding lessons because I can not run a motorcycle tire 10,000 miles? The last 15 years average per year would be somewhere between 20,000 to 25,000 miles per year. The only tire that I seem to be able to even come close to 10,000 miles has been a michelin commander two (run them on the Harley) Michelin would be ideal on the Rocket X but they do not make the tire size for the rear. I was not going to bite and make a comment about your ridicules post's but implying that if you run a CT on a bike means that you do not know how to ride a bike is a bit much even for you. Your a real tool.:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
YEAH no problem you can put any tire you want on your bike and you cant seem to get any miles out of the MC tires or you ride in a manner that is not compatible with the MC tires on the market SO then you cant afford the MC tires so your willing to run a CT to increase mileage what ever you like BUT I dont have the same problems as I dont run 25000 miles a year and dont like the poor handling associated with the CT so to each his own and we have several choices in tires to keep everyone happy. OH and your still an A HOLE LOL
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