Hi, my 'free' first service cost me £86 recently, took a ride over to the dealers to book it in and was suprissed to find they were able to shuffle jobs around and get it done there and then....mind you it only took 1/2 hour so I know it was only oil/ filter and a visual inspection.
Gratefull that they could fit it in without notice but I kind of feel the 'free' tag is a little mis-leading, when I buy oil for the car I buy it in a drum big enough to do the job, not 1 litre at a time (@ £11.80 per litre !), the half hour labour they gave up free was definitely compensated for by the oil charges if you know what I mean.
If it sounds like a gripe it's not, just an observation. Having a dealer with customer service like that is great and will keep my custom and gratitude.
Bring on the summer and some days off work to enjoy them with on the bike