1st Service rippoff

I paid for my first service on both of my Rockets, and my Daughters SpeedMaster,

Guess negotiations ain't my strong point.... :-(
They can't all be ..... but in my experience they are money grabbing F--ckwhits I now do all my own servicing ( It is Rocket science ) really just take your time read the workshop manual, and you get two things out of it 1) a big saving 2) pride of doing a proper job.

I know not all of us are up for carrying out the work but I've found a great local guy who does the in depth stuff he used work for a main dealer and got pissed off with the bull ****.

Ride safe ;)
I just did the first oil change myself...looking at what the full first service entails it is really just check this or inspect that....which I do all the time anyway. The only thing that I didn't do was the connect to the diagnostic computer but my bike is running great.
Just did a service on mine today too. Funny thing, I bought one of the "Scotts" washable oil filters to put on. Very nice product, though expensive for a filter, if I remember, almost $150, but supposed to last forever, and has a bad assed magnet built in too. http://www.scottsonline.com/Product_Purchase.php?PartType=3&Bike_ID=6528 Anywho, had everything laid out, but couldn't get the old filter off by hand, so took off looking all over my barn, and the house, for the filter wrench I know I just saw the other day. Nope, can't find it anywhere, so grabbed a large pair of channel locks and went back out to the bike. Looked down, and my brand new Scott$ filter was gone. Did I mention I just got a new pup? After searching the yard, I found it, not buried, (yet). Now I think I know where the filter wrench got off too also! But I do love my critters!:)
Speaking of first service... My dealer never told me when my first service is due?

I can only assume it's at the regular 5000 - 8000 km
I can't recall what the dealer told me but as I purchased my R3R on the north coast of Brisbane about 2 hours away I decided to do the first service myself, gave the bike a good going over and tighten up. Changed the oil and filter myself.
Have had to return to the dealer Sun State Triumph twice once for the relay upgrade and once for a replacement water pump under warranty. They were great, very helpful.
My next service in the 20000 km service which has the valve clearence check and adjustment so I will look for a good dealer closer to home I think.
Hi all , just got a gripe and wanted to confirm if im justified in being pissed off at the way the shop i bought the Roadster from treated me.

Prior to purchasing the bike the salesman told me the 1st service was free ( 1000 klm ) , much to my disgust today when i went to pick the bike up they charged me $117 , for what should of been free and was only an oil change.

I argued the point with them but they were only being assclowns so i said " **** it i'll pay for the service but im never spending another dollar here and i'll find a shop in Bris to do the servicing from now on , really pissed me off .

Last Rocket i bought new had a free service at 1000klm , http://www.triumphgoldcoast.com.au/ thats the pricks there , anyone else have to pay for a 1st service ?

I wouldnt let triumph goldcoast touch my bike mate they are useless . Stripped the thread in one of my sump plug holes and when i had the bike serviced there and told them i had a problem and thought it was a faulty lead they still couldnt figure it out and kept insisting it be a more serious problem. I took my bike and changed the leads and it ran like a brand new machine.
There's really no skin off my nose if i have my bike serviced in Brisbane instead of on the Gold COast as i travell to Bris for work everyday.
Another reason i dont trust the shop is that they told me services are every 10000klm , in the book it's every 10000miles thats a 6000klm difference am i reading somthing wrong here, oh yeah and the tight asses wouldnt even give me free tshirt when i asked the day i picked the bike up.
I wouldnt let triumph goldcoast touch my bike mate they are useless . Stripped the thread in one of my sump plug holes and when i had the bike serviced there and told them i had a problem and thought it was a faulty lead they still couldnt figure it out and kept insisting it be a more serious problem. I took my bike and changed the leads and it ran like a brand new machine.
Mate where do you get your work done now ?