1st Service rippoff

Mate where do you get your work done now ?

I do most of it myself but if i need something done my a mechanic im going to use Fred at procycledyno at slacks creek ive heard really good things about them.
But i change my own oil brakepads etc did my first detent spring replacement the other week cost me $140 in oil and gaskets ect would have been north of $800 id say if i took it to a dealer . All to change a spring that costs $5
Don't go to Springwood expecting any better. I will say when I was there last for a tyre the new service manager [Graham I think] was the best customer service I have ever had there. But it didn't have to be very good to be better than before. I paid for oil and filter for my first service. Service intervals are 16000 I do mine every 8000.
I wouldnt let triumph goldcoast touch my bike mate they are useless . Stripped the thread in one of my sump plug holes and when i had the bike serviced there and told them i had a problem and thought it was a faulty lead they still couldnt figure it out and kept insisting it be a more serious problem. I took my bike and changed the leads and it ran like a brand new machine.
Mitch they have a new guy running the work shop and has done so for some time now .they now are also the agents for Ducati and I can assure you I don't hear any negative comments since the changes .i believe your situation was about eighteen months ago i know the owner mate and if you want to have a discussion with him ,he is quite an opproachable guy
I was going to Olivers at Moorooka before the move west. Owner was the manager at Team Moto Virginia when I had my Rocket repaired after my off .. looked after me then and I was happy with the service I was offered at Olivers. He took the experienced RIII mechanic with him when he left Team Moto to start up on his own.
Mitch they have a new guy running the work shop and has done so for some time now .they now are also the agents for Ducati and I can assure you I don't hear any negative comments since the changes .i believe your situation was about eighteen months ago i know the owner mate and if you want to have a discussion with him ,he is quite an opproachable guy

If its the same owner that owned the place when i went there he can go to hell all they did was pass the buck and made no attempt to rite their wrong even told me they fixed the stripped thread lmfao yeah with locktight now i am putting a hellicoil in there . Nothing those clowns can do that i cant do myself their ship has sailed with me i dont give second chances
Hi, my 'free' first service cost me £86 recently, took a ride over to the dealers to book it in and was suprissed to find they were able to shuffle jobs around and get it done there and then....mind you it only took 1/2 hour so I know it was only oil/ filter and a visual inspection.
Gratefull that they could fit it in without notice but I kind of feel the 'free' tag is a little mis-leading, when I buy oil for the car I buy it in a drum big enough to do the job, not 1 litre at a time (@ £11.80 per litre !), the half hour labour they gave up free was definitely compensated for by the oil charges if you know what I mean.

If it sounds like a gripe it's not, just an observation. Having a dealer with customer service like that is great and will keep my custom and gratitude.

Bring on the summer and some days off work to enjoy them with on the bike
Speaking of first service... My dealer never told me when my first service is due?

I can only assume it's at the regular 5000 - 8000 km

Check the manual, there's an entire service table there. The first service comes pretty quick, and it's not 5000, more like 500 and then the crucial first oil and filter change and then a real service at 10000 or so.

The manual for my R3T says 500 miles/800 km or 1 month, whichever comes first. If you have ridden past that you need an oil change stat.