Valve check

Here in the state of loser ViQueens, two dealers said they have rarely seen valves out of spec at 10K however the throttle bodies need to be synced...for those of us that are reticent to do it ourselves or don't have the technology.
You think that's bad I have a whole stack of radio equipment beside of me with tubes in them nothing like Ham Radio :D
That is probably exactly what that particular one's for, since it appears to be a more "modern" one judging from it's small"ish" size and construction. Rather than one of those giant, bulbous dinosaurs they brought over on the Mayflower. LOL ;)
Looks like one out of a tube guitar amp,
HEY uncle Jesse, didnt know you are in to ham radios,you visit 10 meters much??:)
Kmutt...I used flat type feeler gauge but if you have the kind thats flat but bent up at an angle it would work better...Mike
Thanks Mike.....yeah I could see how the ones that are slightly bent at the ends would be better for the job ;)
