10000 klm service


Living Legend
Mar 19, 2006
2013 R3R
Just posting this here for replies from the Aussies. Im not far off needing a 10000klm service on my R3R , wondering what i can expect to be charged to get a shop to do it or if i need to even take it there ?

I have already managed one oil change on my own and am setup to do the rear drive oil if need be , checked the throttle body sync last weekend and that seems ok so no need for that.

Read in another post most bikes dont need valve adjustments till around the 20k mark , im averaging around 1000klm a week so it'll be due for major service just before RDU any clues what i'll expect to pay for that service , need to start saving up for RDU and service etc , cheers
@Wrecka. It's probably one of those how-long-is-a-piece-of-string questions.

I had a service done at/around 10k when I bought my R3. I don't know if it was a standard 10k service but given that I didn't have a maintenance history on the bike I asked them to sniff around for potential issues.

I was charged $350 for labour plus $100-ish for parts and consumables. What they checked is shown below.

9-07-2014 5-42-14 PM.jpg
Chin up tiger...I'll still be your friend. ... $350 ish here on the west coast for the 15k service. 2 dealers in the metro area and they quote the same for each service. They don't touch the final drive so good to do that yourself. They balanced the TB's and I had a different tune +triple filters fitted too at no extra labour charge.

There has been a thread on service cost here in oz but I can't remember what it was called. ....though $300-$400 was about average.
Sorry mate; just saw this. You're looking at $120-$180 for oil, depending on what you want, and $200-$300 labour and other parts such as oil filter, crush washers etc. I'd estimate $350-$450 all up but could be in the range $300-$500. You certainly shouldn't need valve clearances checked until at least 20,000km and mine are still good at 70,000km.
Don't forget you could be needing brakes pads and tyres too.........
Over here the service intervals are 10,000 miles. Why isn't it 15,000 (or 16,000) kilometer intervals?