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  1. kblahetka

    Anybody know this Rocket?

    This was my bike, if you did buy it I have an extra key for it. Also I can give you any info on it you would like
  2. kblahetka

    Ignition switch is starting to fail.

    part number is ti-t2501072
  3. kblahetka

    Ignition switch is starting to fail.

    I just sold my 05 rocket and had bought a new ignition switch for it. I'll get you part numbers in a bit but if it'll fit your i'll late you take it cheap. New in box, i was able to fix mine
  4. kblahetka

    floor board options

    I have a 2005 and I want driver floor boards. Not worried about a heel toe shifter. What are my options? I can't find driver ones on the net.
  5. kblahetka

    Rocket Sightings

    I was doing a triathlon in Benton Harbor, MI last weekend and saw a black rocket while I was on the bike portion
  6. kblahetka

    Rocket Sightings

    Saw a rocket doing traffic control at the autism speaks ride in St. Charles today
  7. kblahetka

    Size 15 motorcycle boots - dream on... I have a 15 and wear doc martens
  8. kblahetka

    New Rocket X Vance & Hines 4" Pro Pipe

    Its a pretty minimal effort to not act like a dick. Seriously, guy put some time into this and if you don't care for it, its pretty easy to just not comment. Or comment more constructively.
  9. kblahetka

    Powercommander or boosterplug

    if your bike is stock you would be better served by getting a tunce ecu cable and putting an unrestricted tune in. Or if messing with a PC makes you confortable then get a gipro atre to unrestrict the first 3 gears.
  10. kblahetka

    How far do you take it?

    I don't even know where I would get 95 octane fuel, I think most stations sell 87, 89 and 91?
  11. kblahetka

    Its on

    He picked it up Thursday night and brought it by last night. I took it for about a 5 minute ride. Not bad, you have to wind it out but it gets up and go but without the torque of the rocket it is no where near as unsettling. I imagine they perform closley in speed. It sounds pretty good, the...
  12. kblahetka

    2 Rockets Compare Dobeck Performance AFR Plus to TuneECU - Long Post

    Why would the base tune matter? I would think the AFR would auto adjust to whatever regardless of the base tune?
  13. kblahetka

    auto tune for 2005

    Makes sense. Anybody have one and not happy with results? My plan would be to let it manage everything and keep my canned tune on the ecu.
  14. kblahetka

    auto tune for 2005

    I have an 05 and it looks like the power commander 5 isn't compatible. I thought the ecu was the same?
  15. kblahetka

    Its on

    Me and him haven't ridden together in a decade. I don't care if his bike is faster. The smack talking has been fun
  16. kblahetka

    Its on

    My brother had a fat boy years ago and sold it in his divorce. He just purchased a vrod muscle. The dealer is putting on slip on pipes and some sort of fuel commander. I have an 05 rocket with predators, triple filters, and a canned tune. I do out weigh him by about 60 to 80 pounds. Bets...
  17. kblahetka

    ** SOLD ** XXXL light weight jacket REDUCED

    I would be down. Shipping to 60440
  18. kblahetka

    At last...It's all good now.

    It works on mine with windows 8
  19. kblahetka

    comparing tunes

    I have 17 discs on there. If I leave it open its very loud and pops a lot. Warp, can you load one of the tune boy canned tunes and then pull it to tune ecu?
  20. kblahetka

    comparing tunes

    Sorry, I meant the jardine tune is 14.0 over mos of it and a friend said it smells rich. Warp, i'm using the tripples that go under the bear claw.