Somewhere in the wilds of the internet there is a Video of VROD vs R3 on a circuit with CURVES.
If you can really be bothered to look for it - You may be surprised.
The Rocket is a powerful big beast but it is a heavy big beast and as aerodynamic as a brick now that being said my neighbor has a 125cc bike that would leave the rocket over the 1/4mile.
WHAT 125 is going to turn 11 seconds in a 1/4 mile ? please post a pic of that bike
My brother had a fat boy years ago and sold it in his divorce. He just purchased a vrod muscle. The dealer is putting on slip on pipes and some sort of fuel commander.

I have an 05 rocket with predators, triple filters, and a canned tune.

I do out weigh him by about 60 to 80 pounds. Bets on how this goes?
I raced and beat several V RODS with my stock 09 Classic My buddy has SCREAMIN EAGLE model that's the fastest of the V RODS and he only weighs 115 lbs compared to my 210 at the time it was a good race but I beat him by 6 bike lengths
A new guy at work and I were talking just yesterday about riding. He bought a 2011 VROD (NightROD) new and due to many less than manly comments about "DC traffic is evil" and "my wife is scare for me to ride here", he says he is thinking of selling it. It has almost 1000 miles on it he says and if the darn finace situation smiles at me I will buy the thing. I have been a single bike rider for the last 28K miles and fieel like I am ready for another in the stable. Won't part with the Rocket, but having something a little less wide to ride around town on would be nice, especially if VA passes the lane splitting law.
Are you guys on DRUGS....???? I have run many Vrods with my 30 year old Honda V65 Sabre.... 99% of them do the "turn of shame" before getting to the next red light... VRods...... PLEASE....
WHAT 125 is going to turn 11 seconds in a 1/4 mile ? please post a pic of that bike

Who said anything about times? My buddy races dirt bikes and has a lot of land just north of Crestview FL on his track he will leave any rocket over the 1/4mile just like I said I do not know where the 11sec came from.