Thread necro.....
Fat tire Vrods can't corner for **** vs R3Rs, been there done that, emberassed the hell out of multiple now, on both tight technical roads and freeway sweepers at ludicrous speeds.
As far as quarters go...
The rocket is definitely the faster bike....IF you can get it off the line without a big wheelie, burnout, or bogging. The Vrod has the advantage of enough power to get going quickly without the immense torque on the bottom, making it more friendly to less skilled riders out of the hole imho.
Roll ons from 40ish the three times iv gotten do run vrods have always ended in harley tears before the end of 2nd gear, it's not even a race.
Screaming Eagle is a joke, dollar for dollar in mod money the rocket will gain far more hp per dollar spent, and it has a MUCH higher upper limit to max power that is daily drivable.
TL/DR: Not even a race, go find a sport bike to pick on, harleys are not in the same class as R3s.