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  1. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Thanks for the science refresher, Ishrub. I know, I can use it. No static here.
  2. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    I can't imagine any motorcycle outperforming the Rocket, while having similar "heft", presence, and being as muscular. The Rocket is in a class by itself.
  3. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Okay..... IMFASTTOO..... No one's arguing with you, ( at least, I don't think so ). If those guys want to ride around, in towns, with heavy traffic, and "bar hop", straddling big 'ole, heavy butt machines, and then complain about the heat and congestion of traffic, ........ That's "their" trip...
  4. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Tell your man, .... you only know one person, who would be willing to buy an item like that. There may not be a "market" that develops for that rare item. It would be a custom job. I said from the beginning, that I'm interested in buying an 8 gallon tank, ( if I could find a talented craftsman...
  5. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Hey there BigNorm.... Doing the speed limit on Route 50 would be a real challenge. I'm sure I'd have difficulty doing that. The benefits? Seeing more, and seeing less. More scenery, but fewer badges and no flashing lights. But, the biggest benefit of all? Much better gas mileage @ 65mph.... (...
  6. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Wow!!!! This Route 50 in Nevada sounds amazing, and daunting. I read it all. It would be quite an undertaking. Thanks GPMAZ.
  7. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    I'd like to try that road GPMAZ. Hopefully, I'll get the chance one day. Like a moonscape, huh? For now, I guess I'll just have to look it up. Any landmarks, or noteworthy attractions along that route? Or nearby?
  8. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    "Breeze".... You are exactly right. You hit the nail on the head. All of us don't take short rides, on loud bikes, between mostly in-town bars. A hop, a skip, and a jump apart, with so many "urban", and "suburban" gas stations all around you. The Harley Hop..... No problem running out of gas in...
  9. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Now, after reading his last comment, about 16,000 gas stations in the State of Texas, I'm beginning "to see" what some have said about IMFASTTOO...... What difference does the total number of gas stations in the state make, if you live in, or are driving through, a remote area of the state...
  10. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Saddlebag gas is probably the cheapest, easiest, and least complex way to go, like IMFASTTOO proposed, but I'm much more interested in pursuing the approaches mentioned by "BigNorm" and "camccardell". After all, if I'm going on a longer, endurance type ride, chances are I'm going to have other...
  11. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    I'm sure, ( without doing any research ), that we Triumph Rocket owners come in all shapes, sizes, and in varied states of medical health. Some of us may need to, ( call it "want to" ), hop off the bike every 150 miles. While others are hoping for a 600 mile day. Either way, it's okay. We're all...
  12. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Wow.... I'll have to look this machine up, and read all about it. Thanks. How did you find out about it?
  13. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Diesel conversion? Come on now. Really? "Heck No"!!! Not for me. And furthermore, among other things, it would have to be a turbo-diesel. But, not for me. For curiosity's sake, I'd be interested in seeing somebody do it, ( to "their" bike ).
  14. aviation1972

    Has anyone seen a modified, ( or "modded" ), a bear claw?

    ****ed phone. Meant to say, I can't "help" myself.
  15. aviation1972

    Has anyone seen a modified, ( or "modded" ), a bear claw?

    It's plain as day, you guys wouldn't do this if the self-sticking, vinyl, bear claws blew off. So, I shouldn't ask, but I can't get myself. They don't blow off? They continue to adhere? Even in the rain, or the cold? How is that?
  16. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Man..... All you guys make so much sense. I will look around, shop around, and keep everyone informed. Thanks Joesmoe, and Mr Hunt. Hope I find something that everyone can get a little excited about, ( especially me ). Guess my 8 gallon tank dream was a little over the top, but with the oem air...
  17. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    "Small" favors...... Too much mall shopping, I guess..
  18. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    Run outta gas in a car or truck, and you may need a whole new fuel.pump. My wife did it recently with our Chevy Suburban. I was shocked, when I brought gasoline, miles and miles, out into the desert, and it still did no good. We needed a tow. And, a replacement fuel pump install. Why are our...
  19. aviation1972

    Has anyone seen a modified, ( or "modded" ), a bear claw?

    I think, I may just give it a try... How about the attach points? How are they done properly, when winging it with vinyl?
  20. aviation1972

    I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

    R3Tex..... I'm with you. I'm not so bored, that I want to "play chicken" with gas stations. And, I don't like being obligated to stop at the very next gas station I see. I like having options and choices. That requires having extra range. Who needs, ( or enjoys ), that desperate for gas...