Okay..... IMFASTTOO..... No one's arguing with you, ( at least, I don't think so ). If those guys want to ride around, in towns, with heavy traffic, and "bar hop", straddling big 'ole, heavy butt machines, and then complain about the heat and congestion of traffic, ........ That's "their" trip. Apparently they don't want to travel, ( much ), on the open roads, and the whining they do afterwards helps them feel better. Like they've accomplished something. No wonder they're not interested in more fuel capacity, or range. They don't need it. They're just riding around localities, showboating. But, guess what? I'm not going to "put them down", ( not really ). They're still alright with me. I just do things a little differently. That's all. We are all entitled to our own choices. We should be focused on what we have "in common". Not what our differences are, and then proceed to be judgmental of each other. What's that all about?