Your other Triumphs.

Our only other triumph was in 4th grade spelling bee. Think the winning word was "fastidious." Not bad for a 4th grader.

Oh yes, there was our '08 Beast, which we crashed. Would like to have a Bonnie, but can't justify one bike, much less two.

We trudge on.
still have my 72 t120 bonne still original /01 legend /07 and 05 rockett /couple of norton 850 camandos
Attached is a pic of my Sprint ST. Sadly had to let it go to fund the R3R.
Keen to test ride the new Trophy but need some tips on how to convince the Missus that I need more than one bike :confused:

Thats easy , hide it at a mates and tell her its been stolen , tell her the keys were in it so the insurance will not pay out , and buy another one .. a month or so after new purchase ,, have a brain flash and suddenly remember where you left it .

Oh my second is a 2011 Bonny t 100 , don't know how to post pictures , but everyone knows what they look like anyway.