It was a bit of a flippant comment but I guess there are three reasons..
1. As the ultimate pre-roadster model, they'd pretty much ironed out all the bugs of the early models by '09.
2. Roadster had some good additions such as ABS, fuel GUAGE and gear indicator but the riding position sucks. Pegs are lower and further back and the seat is higher, so it's not really a cruiser. For some that's fine. I don't like it.
3. It's what I have.
I also prefer a Standard over a Classic. Cosmetics aside, the main differences there are the Classic had boards instead of pegs and the bars are more pull back. I just prefer pegs and the flatter bars of the Standard but I still prefer both over the ergonomics of a Roadster. It's a personal thing though, and of course many bikes by now have been turned in hybrids of the 2.