Would you upgard to a Roadster?


Oct 15, 2012
Greenville, TX
I know it sounds like a dumb question .. but... here it goes anyways.

I've got a bone stock '06 R3 .. picked it up a couple of years ago... Not a tourer, not a roadster.. just the basic bike. Total blast. Not as much raw power as I expected / hoped for ( yes.. it's fast... but not 'scary fast' IMHO).

The problem: I'm smitten with the look of the new "X" .. which is really just a blacked out , nice paint job, Roadster. Even looking at the base model Roadster as an option....

So, I'm in a quandary... do I just go for it OR do some upgrades to my existing bike ( performance )?

So, the real QUESTION is.. assuming delta cost of an '06 and an '15 isn't an issue, is there a compelling technical reason to jump to a '15 Roadster? Bike I have has 11k miles it, and bone stock. My understanding is the new bike has some ECU updates that let you feel the power in the the first few gears, unlike the older bikes. Is there anything else I'm missing that I should know? Additionally, I read that my bike has a 'weaker' transmission I believe. I just don't know want to throw $ into the wind, if the new bike isn't technically a major plus up. BTW, doing some performance upgrades to my existing bike is an option; I just want to ensure I'm putting $ into the right bike ( 06 vs 15)

Truly appreciate any and all responses... hoping to make a decision by Friday ( 2 days )

Thanks in advance,
The choice is yours. Either spend your money on what you've got and you'll have an improved 9 year old bike or take a leap forward and have a new bike with all those derestricted horsies and upgrades.

Is there really a choice?
I would keep the 06 and put some money into it instead. Get the tuning software and let the bike loose from its restraints!!! Even if your going to need to put the update kit in her I feel she is worth it verses going in debt just for different pegs and a black paint job with a special stripe off center of the bike for $$$$$ more.

Just my opinion though. I might be a bit bias as I have a 05, 06, and 07 :D
In order to answer your question intelligently, Rick, we need to know what you paid for your '06 and whether or not it had all or some of the "update" kit installed. If for nothing other than the cost differential, I agree with Warp's assessment because you'll have more bike performance and reliability-wise for less $$$ at the end of the day. The only major feature that you might give up is ABS brakes, which I'm not a big fan of on motorcycles.

Also, it would serve you well to properly introduce yourself over on the "Introduce Yourself" forum.;)
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In order to answer your question intelligently, Rick, we need to know what you paid for your '06 and whether or not it had all or some of the "update" kit installed. If for nothing other than the cost differential, I agree with Warp's assessment because you'll have more bike performance and reliability-wise for less $$$ at the end of the day. The only major feature that you might give up is ABS brakes, which I'm not a big fan of on motorcycles.


I got the bike a few years ago for $8k, with 10k miles on it. Presently has less than 12k miles on it ( I ride a lot of different bikes). It's bone stock , except for a meager attempt at getting some sound out of the pipes via a drill bit :)

Of course , If I sell it or trade it in , i'm almost giving it away .. lucky to get 4500 or 5k , and shelling out well over 15-19k by the time the smoke clears with Cost + TTL , etc on a new bike, etc depending which model I would get . I just want to ensure I'm starting with the 'right' bike if I'm going for performance ... guess I was assuming the newer ECU's lack of constraints would be a major difference... knowing I could be wrong, I finally got off my @ss and back onto this site with the experts ;)
Welcome to the forum.

We rode an '08 Standard for a time and now a '11 Roadster. Both bone stock. Performance wise, they are essentially the same bike.
Unlike TriumpPhil, we prefer the ABS on the Roadster, but see that feature as the only real performance upgrade from the '08.

If your '06 won't blow your dress up (figuratively speaking, of course) without some mods, the Roadster won't either.

Our $.02.

We trudge on.
whether or not it had all or some of the "update" kit installed. If for nothing other than the cost differential,

I skimmed over your comment initially about the 'update kit' . Just did a quick search on it and realized what you were referencing. Not being the original owner, I have no idea so I'm guessing I need to lob a call into a dealers service department tomorrow and see what they can tell me.. obviously, a critical piece of info... and sort of what I was blindly hinting at when I opened up this can of worms?
But, if it's performance that ye seek, you can upgrade the internals and easily pull another 75- 120 RWHP and lots more torque for less money than a new bike and you'll have a nearly bulletproof motor to boot, especially if you send it to: http://www.carpenterracing.com/sbp_TRIII.htm

Clarification: ABS is not a bad thing, however I do not like the rider-machine connection that it usurps, preferring to feel the brakes and braking feedback in hand. It's a chocolate and vanilla-type paradigm.;)
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I got the bike a few years ago for $8k, with 10k miles on it. Presently has less than 12k miles on it ( I ride a lot of different bikes). It's bone stock , except for a meager attempt at getting some sound out of the pipes via a drill bit :)

Of course , If I sell it or trade it in , i'm almost giving it away .. lucky to get 4500 or 5k , and shelling out well over 15-19k by the time the smoke clears with Cost + TTL , etc on a new bike, etc depending which model I would get . I just want to ensure I'm starting with the 'right' bike if I'm going for performance ... guess I was assuming the newer ECU's lack of constraints would be a major difference... knowing I could be wrong, I finally got off my @ss and back onto this site with the experts ;)
stick with what u got and make a project out of it b one of a kind then mate
My thoughts...put the upgrade kit and a carpenter on her (I'm guessing $5k for both). De-restricting is a $20 fix but will be moot after those two. After that, spend $2k on a one of a kind full body paint, black out, whatever you want. Then you've got a 200+hp machine and $3-6k left for gas!