Wish list for the next Rocket refresh

I would love to see the R3T return, no TV screen at all. Just a simple gauge for Speedometer and one for the Tachometer.
Removable windscreen, no fairing.
Keyed ignition, no FOB, no rider modes at all.
ABS is cool though.
Cruise control would be nice.
Hard cases that are waterproof again.
Passenger back rest with luggage rack.
Yeah, that's it I reckon.
Having read through all the contributing comments so far, I pretty much agree with everyone about what needs to be improved.
I think there's a number of similar/repeated points so there is a pretty clear direction for the Triumph R&D team to work away at, if they are given the green light by their bean counter dept.
Interesting thread !
Having read through all the contributing comments so far, I pretty much agree with everyone about what needs to be improved.
I think there's a number of similar/repeated points so there is a pretty clear direction for the Triumph R&D team to work away at, if they are given the green light by their bean counter dept.
Interesting thread !
I’m sure they’d be open to dialing it back towards the old design and adding 80 lbs in the process.
For those of us who tour and occasionally ride two up, electric suspension would be nice. Road with it on a few bikes, including the Speed Tripple 1200RR, and always impressive.
For those of us who tour and occasionally ride two up, electric suspension would be nice. Road with it on a few bikes, including the Speed Tripple 1200RR, and always impressive.
Some might argue that electronic suspension adjustment in real time and linked brakes detract from the motorcycling experience. I’m not one of them.
Since there are rumours about a refresh I thought it would be fun to see what your wish list would be for the bike. Not that I’m thinking of buying anything really at this point. Just got my Chrome 3R and not looking to get divorced. Personally here is what annoys me today:

- Wish all the silver bits were black or a different more understated colour
- I love technology so I would prefer a single tablet style TFT display that is customizable with built in GPS
- A more streamlined solo seat option. Think the saddle men step up seats on the Harley’s
- Make the front end look less bulky somehow I don’t know what it is the headlights maybe but I feel like it’s the ugliest portion on the bike relatively speaking to how beautiful it is

That’s it for me. I think if I was to buy anything at this point it would be to add a second bike like one of the new CVO Harley’s for more of a touring focused ride. Although the Rocket can be converted to that quite easily. I can still dream.

Would love to hear what you would change or keep the same. It’s winter there isn’t much else to do except have a little brain storming fun.
Always more horsepower and a larger display for my old eyes.