Will triumph developed the roadster any further

Hello !
Here in Austria and Germany the same rumor is going around....... But the reason is to 99% the emmisson-regulation !! Triumph must completly change the Construction/Enginemanagement, this is maybe not possible. (The Engineconstruction is from 2004!) I ask me what Boss Hoss or Harley is doing in this situation !?! (i have heard: HD finished selling V-Rod next jear) We will see whats going on......
Greetings from Vienna !

The thunderbird is a poofters bike
Um, they did with the Roadster. October 2009.

There's enough informatin on this site to resolve every problem with the Rocket. Either that or their R&D department could care less. If it wasn't for this site i'd have dumped the Rocket back in 2008. You ask most dealers around my neck of the woods simple questions about the Rocket and most don't have a clue. Tell them you want to go to the darkside or have the beaver done and they scratch their heads..
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