Will triumph developed the roadster any further

I agree with you, it's another road king copy , and they are attacking the Harley market as the rocket didn't crack that side of the market.i think rocket needs to be developed more for sales to lift and maybe have a make over to attract new customers. I got two friends that have left the rocket to ride the Tbird and they all said the handling and weight is the first thing what attracted them. Bigger fool them. They forget to mention the power they left but.
I'm no economist nor am I an expert with respect to understanding marketing. As for speculation......well if I was any good at that I'd be rich. All that said, no worries. They can and will do what they want and in the end it will all be driven by the almighty $$.
I do know this, if they we're to drop the rocket line then what I have is an incredible machine that you can't catch.....nor can you have!

What I don't understand is why marketing for triumph across the board is so weak in North America. I think for the price they are an outstanding value as compared to other models. Anyway as others have said on this forum.....no matter what happens, I have mine!
I agree mind not going anywhere. But let's see how's the future holds for the rocket. And hope that triumph listens to the people that ride these beasts


Triumph marketing is pretty weak in general here in the states. Triumph has simply not done very well at selling themselves. Almost every time I wear anything with the Triumph logo I get remarks like "Is that for Triumph cars?", "Do they still make Triumphs?", "Whatever happened to Triumph?", someone even asked me Is that Triumph Aerospace?" Furthermore, when I'm on the bike, it never fails to turn heads, complete strangers are always asking me what the Hell am I riding. People in the states (and especially in the Midwest) are largely unfamiliar with the brand and the make. It's enough for me that Triumph came up with the R3, I did a lot of research and comparison before I determined it was the bike for me. But if Triumph wants to be competitive in the states or even have a measure of success, they need an aggressive marketing plan. Hell, any kind of marketing plan would help as there doesn't seem to be one in place. True, these bikes should sell themselves...it worked with me. But most people tend to be sheep here in the states and don't know how to go their own way.
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Your comment are interesting, regarding promoting triumph in the states. I show your thoughts to our local dealer in the UK, But like I already said before it will be interesting where the rocket 3 is heading, moth balls or is triumph going to make over the bike for the future and make some improvements , or is the Tbird the one they are concentrating on to win some of the Harley market.
Frankly I like the T- Bird, it's parallel twin is a refreshing change from the sea of V twin bikes out there.

Triumph has to do what they have to do to take some of the Market share from H.D in the cruiser market.

The T-Bird is selling well and getting great reviews, can't argue with success.
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From all appearances, it looks like the T-Bird is being focused on as the standard bearer. Perhaps a little "tweaking" of the R3 design could spark some more interest, I would just hope that if that happens, it is not in an effort to make it more like a traditional cruiser. There's plenty of clones out there, but nothing quite like the Rocket.
I agree with success and pleased the Lt is selling well in the states. But my final comments again let's see where the Rocket heads to and hope the iconic beast does well.
Big decision is going to be whether to rush out and buy one of the last ones or keep the old one - or maybe both. Would they be dinosaurs or collectables? My guess is they'd start as one and end as the other, but which would be which??? One thing for sure; I don't want to be riding anything else.
I agree with you, it's another road king copy .

More Harley paranoia. The T'Bird is a cruiser, built in the style of a cruiser. If it's a copy of anything the Speedmaster springs to mind. If it was a Harley copy it would be a v twin, like all the Jappas. The real point is that the Rocket is unique and in a class of its own. Be a damm shame to loose pretty much the only truly different bike in production anywhere by anyone.