Will my R3T leave a HD V-Rod Muscle in the dust?

A good Brother of mine Jacko, his son in law has a 130cu Fat Bob with 9k's worth of mods and he boasted about how many V rods he'd blown off. So the challenge was on (my bike set up for no cat and i was solo, no trailer). We went for our ride out to Windsor and then through the Blue Mountains (Australia). We pulled up at a set of lights, waited for the green; now I don't like to fully gun it in first and second as I've been told these are the weakest gears in the box?....Well in second(no ware near redline) I'm in front. We did this twice after this with the same result!
He thought he could get me up Hawkesbury Hill (Aussies know the spot) as i was running a car tyre........ Not to brag, but i showed him the scrape marks I have on my pipes......
Now I am a Truckie now that drives roadtrains..... We all know that it is torque that gets you there and it's HP that maintains it.....same with bikes!
Exactly why an R3 can out drag many higher HP bikes, TORQUE gets you moving out of the hole.

The perfect amount is: enough to get right to the limit of traction and then a little more, as the fastest way off the line is to have a tiny bit of slip but have it stop spinning just off the line and hover the front tire just above the ground.

If you watch the 8.99 Silverback pass, he does exactly that.
When I buy my next new bike towards the end of this year (I have kept the touring for going on 6 years much longer than I usually keep a bike these days ) I will be looking at a Kawasaki 1400 GTR among other bikes including another Touring, more for long distance 2 up trips to Qld I don't get into stop light drags these days and I am confident the GTR would suit my needs,
I forgot the Suzuki Boulevard Owners Australia Forum rule ,Thou shall not talk up any other motor cycle on a brand/ model specific Forum :cautious::cautious:
"Thou shall not talk up any other motor cycle on a brand/ model specific Forum"

I have done that here once, only once. Well maybe more than once but I am not ashamed. I agree with you Ken, there are a lot of excellent bikes out there. Including the Concours (in the USA) or GTR. If I had a money tree I would have them all. I found a 2008 B King with 265 miles and I am trying to keep myself from buying it, but it is so frigging hard. Its one of those bikes I have on my money tree list.

We should start a thread for a dream bike list if you had the money.
Yeah, the best thing one can do to an R3T is to apply the derestricting tune. Brings it about up to the Roadster level of power, and it revs cleanly to 6k as it should. It should be capable of beating a V-Rod, or at least achieving parity, in capable hands.
On a locomotive torque is what spins the wheels and burns the rail....weight is what provides the traction so that torque can be put to use.

I was always mystified how a train could get going from a dead stop, just off the top of my head, I'm thinking a long train must be a million pounds, or something on that order, the wheels are steel on steel, seems impossible?
I was always mystified how a train could get going from a dead stop, just off the top of my head, I'm thinking a long train must be a million pounds, or something on that order, the wheels are steel on steel, seems impossible?

The size of the spot of wheel the contacts the rail is about the size of a quarter....there are either 8 or 12 wheels on a modern locomotive. While it defies physics to even get going, all the cars are on wheels too, and they roll quite easily. Let's a take a train like I haul and say it is 21,450 tons, this works to 42,900,000 pounds. Now lets say I have two six axle locomotives (12 wheels each) of 4400 horsepower each. They each weigh give or take 440,000 pounds. Were they much lighter they would struggle to start my heavy train, but depending on the grade and curves, they would get it going eventually. You don't start the 43 million pounds at once. The cars have slack between them and they start moving one at a time. The engines get the first ones moving and their movement and weight tug on the following ones, and so it goes until the majority of the trains weight is helping to start the remainder of the train. It take far less horsepower to keep it moving than to get it moving so we can in, oh, 15 or 20 minutes be bopping along at 40 mph! Stopping....now that takes planning...and even an emergency stop may take a mile....don't be in front of me.
The chart showing the V-Rod beating the Rocket was with a 2010 Rocket. Triumph eliminated the restrictions in the first 3 gears on Rockets around 2013 and I think the top end limiter as well. A post 2013 Roadster would smoke a V-Rod imo.