Will my R3T leave a HD V-Rod Muscle in the dust?

God Bless America!!!

How's that V2k of yours doing?
I sold mine this past week end.
Miss it already, but love the extra room in the garage.
I hope they were all timed on the same track on the same day with the same atmospherics with the same rider...

I doubt it, but I do know from my personal observation that on the road performance is a more relevant indicator of usable performance ,but I don't think independent test reports involve the mythical bullet shaped jockey sized testers of some motor cycle test reports or the 300lb bubba rider on another test ,I do know that from personal experience that the revered Kawasaki Z1 900 was no match on the road for the less popular Suzuki GS1000S that I had (mick Cooley replica) a few fractions of a second in 0-60 is no indicator of who wins a balls and all road race,
My riding buddies and I had our clocks cleaned on the Oxley highway last time we rode up there by a Kawasaki 1400 GTR rider and I thought they were a slug once again on great road performance a real sleeper
Sorry that was a Wes Cooley replica ,it was only 25 years ago and forgotten already
How's that V2k of yours doing?
I sold mine this past week end.
Miss it already, but love the extra room in the garage.

It's got a National Cycle windshield, 12'' fat apes and V&H Powershots now. Sound is impressive, next week the ECU will be tuned on a dyno.
And since I have fitted different bags on the Rocket, the V2K is now wearing the Rocket's original bags (with pride)...

Good to hear!
Enjoy that big V-twin.
Sounds like you've been thunder struck...!!
Sounds like you've been thunder struck...!!

Almost ,We had a beer at the Long Flat pub with the 1400GTR rider who was on his way to Port Macquarie I told him I was surprised how well the GTR went and he said the motor is a ZX14 just a little detuned and like most of us he had it remapped and an exhaust change, 200 bullet proof HP a very deceiving bike , same price new as a R3T Hmm temptation