Widowmaker Journey to 200hp, no thats been done. 250hp !

Ive been rocking the $225 i think, Chinese one, that does work, but its hardware and material kinda cheesey bendy, its a 225 radiator, stock 1200, PWR is professional and a very good price we’re gettin. cheaper than stock, its an improvement over stock like the samco hoses that are cheaper than stock but an improvement. The dyno will tell even if its 30 degress out because Konrad goes through 1 and into 2nd five gallons when tuning on dyno, so its gonna go hot but i have the 165 degree thermostat from Australia, ofcourse hello, 😂, will see, heat most definitely robs horsepower, you can see it when tuning you think know you made change to get more but fing heat, thats what ive seen watching Konrad and cussing, i know by that too, @Gerald Konrad said he lost ponies like on mine when he tuned you up, how’s yours running since? once it gets around 185 it struggles making power, heat is an engine builders enemy😬 learnin 😂
Been doing fine, responsive and strong whenever called upon. I thank Konrad for his magic and you for introducing me to him. Very satisfied. Who knows, may purchase a radiator like yours and chase a few more horses. Looking forward to your results and expecting good things.
Kevin, know how you had the head ported for better flow? Now take off the water pump, open the housing and do the same. Bore the inlet and outlet to maximize flow area. Then go find a thermostat that opens as far as possible, not just one that opens earlier. And no, they are not all the same and can vary greatly depending on brand. You may find putting an inline housing and thermostat works better than one in the stock location. Next, run the system at high pressure all the time. Most heat soak problems come from letting off the throttle reducing coolant flow and pressure. Reduced pressure equals lower boiling point, and steam bubbles don't cool well. An accumulator pressurized to almost match the radiator cap relief pressure, will keep the system pressurized all the time. You have the perfect opportunity to explore as your bike is on the dyno now and you have bottomless pockets. :D
Kevin, know how you had the head ported for better flow? Now take off the water pump, open the housing and do the same. Bore the inlet and outlet to maximize flow area. Then go find a thermostat that opens as far as possible, not just one that opens earlier. And no, they are not all the same and can vary greatly depending on brand. You may find putting an inline housing and thermostat works better than one in the stock location. Next, run the system at high pressure all the time. Most heat soak problems come from letting off the throttle reducing coolant flow and pressure. Reduced pressure equals lower boiling point, and steam bubbles don't cool well. An accumulator pressurized to almost match the radiator cap relief pressure, will keep the system pressurized all the time. You have the perfect opportunity to explore as your bike is on the dyno now and you have bottomless pockets. :D
Im expected to perform if i get upgrades. I have to work for every pony i get and it can be exhausting