Why we crash. An incomplete but informative study.

When I first got my licence the instructor said to us rookies 85% of accidents involving a motorcycle were caused by the rider, wrong road position, too close, too fast, not enough experience with the bike they were riding. Here in OZ wearing of helmets is law. It is still amazing how many people I see who think their on a trip in Bali riding, they wear the helmet with a pair of shorts,singlet and thongs thinking that the helmet is the only safety they need.
I'd imagine for the same reasons most states repeal them- pressure from riders groups, and freedom to choose. Lots here support free choice concealed carry of firearms. Is free choice to wear or not to wear helmets so very different?

I would vote for repeal if it comes to that, but I guess I hope it doesn't because I don't want to be tempted to ride without a helmet....:D Self discipline is not one of my strong points.
yes they show'd us pictures of people not wearing gear who had come of even at slow speeds, enough for me to wear gear no matter how hot it gets.
Anyone who rides a motorcycle without a helmet will have his head examined...;) I've had one bad crash in 2004 and another minor one ,both were due to the tires deflating. I hit a sharp piece of metal that blew the back tire at 70 mph causing me to lose control and go down. When i looked at my helmet i thank God i was wearing it.

Totally agree about the ability of a helmet to prevent injury and the video was impressive but he states at the end that when he fell he hit with his head first and then states shoulder/head and goes on to say Shoei checked his helmet post crash and said no damage to shell or interior besides cosmetic damage and a scraped visor. The only conclusion that can be reached is that the helmet did not sustain a direct impact at all as the shell and lining/impact absorbing system was not damaged - if the shell had flexed when it absorbed an impact without de-laminating or showing any fracturing it would still have partially crushed the impact absorbing layers within. I certainly wouldn't use it again though.

It still saved him as if his skin had touched the surface instead of the helmet he would have lost heaps of it and his head would have probably rotated/twisted a lot more and damaged his brain cortex.

A lot of the old helmet standards focused on structural strength and rigidity and penetration resistance of the shell. Thankfully they now focus on absorbtion of energy and reduction of deflection/rotation of the skull to reduce the most significant cause of death/injury - damage to the brain and cortex from movement and acceleration/deceleration inside and relative to the fluid lined skull.
I admit to going bare armed in the summer, but I do have Bohn pants that go under your Jeans. They are a little itchy but put padding in the places where you are likely to need it.
Totally agree about the ability of a helmet to prevent injury and the video was impressive but he states at the end that when he fell he hit with his head first and then states shoulder/head and goes on to say Shoei checked his helmet post crash and said no damage to shell or interior besides cosmetic damage and a scraped visor. The only conclusion that can be reached is that the helmet did not sustain a direct impact at all as the shell and lining/impact absorbing system was not damaged - if the shell had flexed when it absorbed an impact without de-laminating or showing any fracturing it would still have partially crushed the impact absorbing layers within. I certainly wouldn't use it again though.

It still saved him as if his skin had touched the surface instead of the helmet he would have lost heaps of it and his head would have probably rotated/twisted a lot more and damaged his brain cortex.

A lot of the old helmet standards focused on structural strength and rigidity and penetration resistance of the shell. Thankfully they now focus on absorbtion of energy and reduction of deflection/rotation of the skull to reduce the most significant cause of death/injury - damage to the brain and cortex from movement and acceleration/deceleration inside and relative to the fluid lined skull.
Went i crashed i was wearing a sleeveless shirt, my arms were ripped to shreds covered in road rash. What amazed me,the part of the shirt that was covering my skin was protected.
What was the reasoning behind repealing the helmet law?

If they repealed the helmet law here in cali I would be tempted to not wear a helmet on short runs to the store etc.

Pretty much what @baadactor said plus we are surrounded by states without the law. Some wouldn't travel up to Michigan because of the law. The law was a joke anyway. According to the law, the helmet had to be approved by the Michigan State Police and the state police refused to be in the business of approving helmets. People just wound up wearing nothing more than a skull cap for a helmet and they wouldn't get stopped. It was a joke! That said, I believe in people having the right to choose.
I lost a good friend Friday afternoon. He was riding his motorcycle and a car pulled out in front of him. The coroner said he had "intensive head injuries". I could be wrong but if he was wearing a helmet I truly believe he would be alive today. He never wore a helmet for some reason. He owned a Harley and it seems those guys just don't believe in wearing helmets. He and I would talk at work about wearing a helmet. I would always suggest "you need to start wearing one". On cold mornings he would ask me did I ride my bike to work. I would tell him "Yeah I rode it". He would say "I don't have a helmet..... so it's too cold to ride my bike"

I lost my dad in a ATV accident. He never wore a helmet because he wouldn't ride hard and dangerous like I would. Somehow the ATV flipped on top of him and he passed away because of head injuries. He and I talked about getting him a helmet about a week or so before the accident. He said "We'll stop in and see what the dealership has next time we're in town". That day never came.

It's up to the individual if they wear a helmet or not. I'm not going argue about it with them but only suggest it. I now have two very good reasons on why I wear a full face helmet all the time. Might not save my life if I'm in a accident but at least I gave it a shot.